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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
24/07/2022 14:58:27

Rewrite the following sentences

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Ex: Rewrite the following sentences
1. Hoa was bom in Doc So craft village. She knows the process of making pottery. (BECAUSE)
2. I was not enjoying the party. I wanted to leave early. (AS);boivi
3. I attended a knitting workshop last Sunday. I don't know how to knit a scarf. (ALTHOUGH)
4. The artisan moulded the cooper to make a bronze drum. (SO THAT): demà
5. You want to knit a hat for your friend. You should watch tutorials on YouTube. (BEFORE)
6. I was cleaning out my cupboards. I found these photos. (WHILE)
7. I told the absolute truth. No one would believe me (BUT
8. I'm leaming Japanese. I like leaming Japanese. (AND)
9. There are modem knitting machines. The artisans in my village like using traditional looms. (although)
10. We have to follow more than ten stages. We can make a simple conical hat (so that)
11. We were visiting an old building. They were going to a traditional market. (while)
12. Many children like to go to Bat Trang Ceramic village. They can make their own pottery there (as)
13. Linda didn't go to school yesterday. She was ill. (because)
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Nguyễn Thị Phương Hà
24/07/2022 15:09:18
+5đ tặng
1.Hoa knows the process of making pottery because she was bom in Doc So craft village.
2.I wanted to leave early as  I was not enjoying the party.
3.although I don't know how to knit a scarf, I attended a knitting workshop last Sunday
4. The artisan moulded the cooper so that he could make a bronze drum.
5.before  You want to knit a hat for your friend,You should watch tutorials on YouTube.
6.while I was cleaning out my cupboards, I was finding these photos.
7.I told the absolute truth but no one would believe me.
8.I'm leaming Japanese and I like leaming Japanese.
9.slthough There are modem knitting machines,The artisans in my village like using traditional looms.
10.We have to follow more than ten stages so that We can make a simple conical hat
11.Many children like to go to Bat Trang Ceramic village as They can make their own pottery there
12. Linda didn't go to school yesterday because she was ill.

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