Choose from the paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap (37-43). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. Iridology ..
You are going to read an article from a magazine. Seven paragraphs have been removed from the extract. Choose from the paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap (37-43). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.
Iridology Iridologists claim that there is a ‘map’ of the whole body in the iris of each eye and that it provides a guide to various disorders and their treatments. The eye has long been regarded as the ‘mirror of the soul’. From earliest antiquity, it has been believed that it is one of the best indicators of spiritual condition, personality, temperament and romantic feelings.
For this reason, its condition is significant in assessing the general health of a patient. However, long before examination of the retina was recognised as important, iridology existed. That is, the science of diagnosing bodily conditions through study of the iris, the coloured part of the eye. The history and origins of iridology have often been disputed. It is difficult to substantiate its roots in ancient Asia and Africa since almost the entire population is brown-eyed. It stands, however, as a European phenomenon, dating back to the mid-nineteenth century.
Iridology was born in von Peczely’s garden in Budapest when he was just eleven. During a fight with a wild owl, the bird’s leg was broken. While glaring at its captor, the bird developed a black line in its iris. The boy was able to notice developments in the bird’s eye as its leg healed. Slowly, the black line shrank, and when the leg had completely healed, there was the merest trace of a mark left in the eye.
As a medical student in Vienna, he was imprisoned, but found an outlet at this time by studying the eyes of fellow prisoners. Time and again, he noticed a correlation between markings of the iris and known medical problems. He then firmly decided to devote himself to serious study of the eye, once free.
Meanwhile, a Lutheran minister, Pastor Nils Liljequist, was also examining irises in Sweden. While suffering from a fever, he was treated with quinine, which led to a change in the colour of his iris from blue to yellowish-green. It was this that led to his study of the relationship between eye colour and the use of medical drugs, particularly the heavy metals which were so widely used then.
It is the first decades of the twentieth century that are particularly interesting. American Henry Lindlahr, working before iris photography was perfected, used his own eyes as a basis for his drawings. He experimented with diet, fasting and various medicines. He used the iris as a means of diagnosis before anyone else, cataloguing inflammations and organic dysfunctions both in himself and in his patients.
Iridological research has emphasised the fact that the human being is a whole interrelated organism, which must be viewed as such when undergoing treatment. The iridologist has the entire medical state and a great deal of the patient’s medical history in front of him when looking at the patient’s iris, so he cannot view the patient in terms of a single condition.
Nevertheless, iris diagnosis remains a scientifically- based tool despite the indifference shown it by orthodox practitioners. Through increased funding into research or even greater public awareness, it could well be used as an inexpensive, yet accurate form of diagnosis that could save time, money and perhaps lives. s lt to lt to a since a sin . It stands, ands, ating back to ating back to n von Peczely’s g von Peczely’s was just eleven. D ust eleven. D the bird’s leg was he bird’s leg was ptor, the bird devel he bird devel boy was able to n boy was able eye as its leg heal ye as its leg he when the l when the merest t erest t w his expe m m MPL MPL PA It is the first deca It is the first dec ticularly in ticul ng be ng b AGES nister, nister, g irises in Swed rises in Swe e was treated with was treated wit in the colour of h in the colour of h reen. It was this t n. It was this tionship between e ionship between e al drugs, particula drugs, particula e so widely used th idely used th
A Upon release, von Peczely quickly became convinced that he would be able to demonstrate a relationship between the organs and limbs of the body and several parts of the iris. The iris chart used by iridologists today is essentially the same as the one on which he painstakingly mapped his findings.
B One man at this time was outstanding in his work in this field. Hungarian physician, Dr Ignatz von Peczely, deserves credit as the father of iridology. He was a man with remarkable powers of observation, original thought and bravery. Throughout his life he faced opposition, dying in comparative obscurity. It is only now that he is beginning to be appreciated.
C This led him to the realisation that the iris could reveal the internal workings of the body and so there would be no need for painful, dangerous exploratory operations. In his conclusions, he noted that beneficial changes in the body were brought about by homeopathic preparations which were not trapped in the body’s tissues. Unlike conventional drugs, colour traces were not left in the iris after use.
D The youth later took up the controversial study of homeopathy and was so successful at treating neighbours that there was great hostility from the medical profession. He was forbidden to continue practising and only did so under the guise of orthodox medicine after he had qualified as a doctor.
E Iridology was practically forgotten at this time until revived by homeopaths and naturopaths, who managed to re-establish the science. The cold shoulder that von Peczely was given when he first started practising homeopathy was no less demeaning than the one it received from orthodox medicine in the twentieth century.
F He published and circulated a book on his findings. Most of Europe ignored this and iridology in general. This may well have been because of its background and von Peczely’s interest in homeopathy. However, this was not the case everywhere and towards the end of the century naturopathic workers in Germany and the USA incorporated the findings of von Peczely with Liljequist’s observations.
G There has been scientific study of the eye as a guide to physical well-being quite apart from this interest in it as an indicator of spiritual state. The ophthalmologist examines the back of the eye, the retina, through the pupil, the black hole at the front of the eye. The only place where nerve endings and blood vessels can be viewed directly is through the retina.
H It is for this reason that iridology is growing in popularity, and practitioners of alternative therapies find this holistic attitude particularly encouraging. However, it could be that this emphasis is the reason why iris diagnosis has yet to be taken more seriously by the orthodox doctor.
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