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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
08/08/2022 19:19:41

Read the interview with Tom about his microhouse and write the answer T (true) or F (false)

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. In Tom's room
2. Tom's room
3. There are two windows with new
4. There's a computer on
5. Tom's pet is
6. The dog's name
7. There are pictures
8. On the pictures we can see
h. curtains.
II. Read the interview with Tom about his microhouse and write the answer T (true) or
F (false).
Questioner: Is this house different from your family home?
Yes, there are no carpets and there is a lot of glass.
There is a table and chairs but I don't have any
armchairs. In the kitchen there is a microwave and a
small fridge but there isn't a cooker.
Questioner: How many rooms have you got there?
a. Tom' desk.
b. there's a bed, a desk and a chair.
c. a dog.
d. is not very big.
e. Tom's classmates.
f. in Tom' room.
is Blackie.
Questioner: Is your house large?
There is one room and a mini-bathroom with a
Questioner: Do you like this house?
Upconverts star
definition qual
1. Tom's house hasn't got any carpets.
2. There is no cooker but there is a microwave in the kitchen.
3. There are two rooms and a bathroom.
4. He has lots of books on the shelves.
5. Tom likes his house very much.
6. His house can be for four people.
I don't think so. But there is space for cups and dishes. I have a lot of books but
there are no bookshelves.
Yes, it's very nice. But I have a lot of friends and I can only invite three people!
III. Read the dialogue between Lan and Phong, and then answer the questions below.
Lan: Hi, Phong. Your family has got a new flat? How is it?
Phong: Yes. It's very nice.
Lan: Really? How many rooms are there?
Phong: There's a small living room, a kitchen, a bedroom, and a bathroom.
28 - Lưu Hoàng Trí
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Phan Lê Huyền
09/08/2022 03:07:20
+5đ tặng
1 true
2 true
3 false
4 false
5 true
6 true 

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