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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
15/08/2022 00:36:11

Chọn đáp án đúng

especially for m
Question 3: "What a beautiful shirt you're wearing!" "Thank you. It
by my mother."
D. was made
C. made
B. has made
first prize in such a prestigious competition.
A. is made
Question 4: Once
in large quantities, these products will be more affordably priced
A. are produced
B. having produced C. produced
D. producing
Question 5: Jane would never forget
A. to be awarded
B. being awarded
C. to have awarded D. having awarded
Question 6: When
about their preferences for movies, many young people say that
they are in favor of science fiction.
A. having asked B. asking
Question 7: The old woman still recalls clearly
her first day at school.
A. to be criticized B. to have criticized C. being criticized
Question 8: One man
A. little knowing
Question 9: When
D. criticizing
outside his own country is tipped to become the new President.
C. little known
D. to be little known
the 2018 Oscar for the best Actor in a Supporting Role, Sam
Rockwell thanked his mom and dad for inspiring him with the love for movies.
A. was awarded
B. having awarded
C. awarding
D. awarded
Question 10: When
about the theft, the suspect said that he had taken no part in it.
B. having questioned C. questioned
D. was questioning
with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem
B. to know little
A. questioning
Question 11:
high at all.
A. When compared B. On comparing
Question 12: Orphan elephants need
their mothers in the wild.
C. asked
D. are asked
by her teacher when she was late on
C. Having compared D. To compare
the same companionship as they
A. to be using - produced
C. using - to be produced
Question 15: Naturally, she seems quite content
A. to have been awarded
C. to have awarded
B. to have given - had received
D. being given - are receiving
A. to be given - would have received
C. to have been given - would receive
Question 13: The mountaineers who had been trapped by the avalanche were very
lucky_____ by the rescue team within an hour.
A. to have found
B. having been found
D. being found
C. to have been found
Question 14: Authorities should warn people against
additives. Still better, perhaps, they shouldn't allow such products
B. having used - to produce
D. being used - being produced
hazardous foods containing
in the first pla
first prize in last week's art
B. being awarded
D. having been awarding
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
15/08/2022 00:49:51
+5đ tặng
Câu 3: was made ( nó được mẹ tôi làm -------> tức đã làm rồi nên là bị động quá khứ)
câu 4: chọn B vì hành động chưa xảy ra 
Câu 5: chọn C vì forget + to V ( quên cái gì?)
Câu 6: chọn A chưa xảy ra 
Câu 7 : B still là vẫn nên có dâú hiêu htht 
8 A vì chưa xaỷ ra
9: D thì qúa khứ
10 B chưa xảy ra 
11: A 
12: B
13: A 
14: C

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