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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 10
29/10/2022 19:00:10
Giải bài có thưởng!

Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

7. This PC may slow
A. up
8. Please
A. contact
A. Delivery
10. I prefer to buy things in
A local
slow_____________ if you use it for too long.
B. off
C. down
D. under
us by email for further details (thông tin chi tiết) of the products (sản phẩm).
B. speak
C. deliver
D. provide
happens (xảy ra) when the company keeps your money but doesn't send you what
you order (yêu cầu).
B. Complaint
11. Could you please give me some advice
A. in
B. on
C. of
12. In your email, you should say what you want the store
A. to do
B. to doing
C. doing
D. do
13. One of my
for shoppers (người mua sắm) is to read the reviews (đánh giá) before
14. I tried
buying anything.
A, surveys
B. internet
C. Problem
D. Fraud
stores as used clothes are usually cheaper.
C. thrift
B. habits
C. tips
D. advices
the hotline (đường dây nóng), but no one answered the phone.
B. to calling
C. to be called
A. calling
D. call
15. One problem (vấn đề) we often have with online shopping (mua sắm trực tuyến) is that the
may damage (phá huỷ, làm hỏng) the items (sản phẩm).
A. Internet
B. Shippers
C. website
D. model
The manager (gười quản lý) apologized (xin lỗi) and offered (đề nghị) to repair (sửa) on
A. for
which phone to buy?
D. mall
B. at
C. on
D. off
There has been enough
thrown away (ném đi) every day. so we should reuse (t
sử dụng) things whenever we can.
A material
B. cloth
C. trash
D. snack
18.Our newspaper interviewed (phòng vân) some teenagers about their favorite items of
D. toward
to find out what they said.
B. back
C. on
D. beyond
cost (có giá) over 700.000 VND. but Hue got them for only 500,000!
C. normally
B. never
D. rarely
December 21".
D. since
A under
19.These shoes
A. hardly
20.The customer says she bought the skirt (chân váy)
A. on
B. in
C. of
Chloe: A smartphone. I had to borrow (muon) some money from my parents to buy it
A. Could I ask you some questions about your phone? B Why do you buy your
22. Customer: Sure, it's Leslie. That's L-E-S-L-I-E.
A. Do you have a receipt with your name on it?
C. What's the problem with your phone? D. What's the most expensive thing you have e
Sales Assistant:
B. Can we call you later?
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Bạn hỏi - Lazi trả lời

Bạn muốn biết điều gì?

Học tập không giới hạn cùng bạn bè học sinh cả nước, đến LAZI, sôi động, tích cực, trải nghiệm

Hôm nay bạn thế nào? Hãy nhấp vào một lựa chọn, nếu may mắn bạn sẽ được tặng 50.000 xu từ Lazi

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