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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
17/12/2022 20:46:17

Read the passage and choose the best answer

Read the passage and choose the best answer
1. The World "telephone" means hearing the (11)
produced at a distance, just as we see distant objects
2. through a "telescope" or we see things happening miles away through "television". The television was (12)
more than one hundred years ago by Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas A. Watson, his
4. American assitant. It is now very extensively used everywhere. In Vietnam, most of the people have their own
5. telephones in their homes. It makes us possible to talk to our friends far away without all the way to their homes.
6. In actual working it appears to be (13)
It has a transmitter into which you speak and a receiver
7. at which you hear, and these two are now combined in the same small instrument, one at each end. The two persons
wire and electric battery by the side
8. who want to speak have each an instrument. There is a (14)
9. of each, or there is a common connecting station. It is the electric current enables the sound vibrations to be
10. reproduced at the other end, and the person at the end hears the talk of his friend.
11. A. sounds
B. music
C. films
C. invented
B. discovered
B. simplicity
C. simply
B. connecting
C. connective
12. A. done
13. A. simplify
14. A. connected
owing sentences
D. songs
D. made
D. simple
D. connection
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
17/12/2022 20:49:24
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