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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
04/02/2023 17:43:16

Imagine you are either Angelica or Susan. Write in your diary about what happened to you yesterday Dear Diary. You can't imagine what happened to us yesterday! Susan and I decided to take our dog for a walk in the park.

Imagine you are either Angelica or Susan. Write in your diary about what happened to you yesterday Dear Diary. You can't imagine what happened to us yesterday! Susan and I decided to take our dog for a walk in the park.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
04/02/2023 17:58:44
+5đ tặng

Dear Diary,

Yesterday was such a wild ride! Susan and I took our furry friend for a walk in the park as we usually do, but little did we know that we were in for a surprise. As we were strolling through the park, we suddenly heard a loud commotion. We quickly rushed over to see what was happening and were shocked to find a group of robbers trying to steal from the local store. Susan and I knew we had to do something, so we quickly called the police and kept the robbers distracted until they arrived. It was a nerve-wracking experience, but we were able to help prevent a crime from happening. I can't believe how brave we were in that moment, and I'm so grateful to have Susan by my side. We may have been just two regular girls out for a walk with our dog, but yesterday we became heroes.

Best, Angelica or Susan.

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