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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
12/02/2023 12:18:26

Hende passage the circle the best answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Hende passage the circle the best answer.
ho are the best drivers? Which drivers are the safest on the roads? According to a recent sur
young and inexperienced drivers are the most likely to have an accident. Older drivers are t
careful. Young men have the worst accident records of all. They often choose faster cars with big
engines. One of the most interesting facts in the survey is that passengers have an effect on the dis
When young male drivers have their friends in the car, their driving becomes worse When their w
or girlfriend is in the car, however, their driving is better. But this is not true for women. Their dres
is more dangerous when their husband or boyfriend is in the car. However, if their small children
riding in the car, they drive more slowly and safely.
1. According to the survey, who are the most likely to have an accident?
A. Young and inexperienced drivers.
B. Old and inexperienced drivers.
C. Young and old female drivers.
D. Old and experienced men.
2. Young men are likely to choose
A. expensive cars
B. fast cars with big engines
C. slow and safe cars
D. slow cars with small engines
3. Who have an effect on the driver?
A. Parents
B. Policemen
C. Families
D. Passengers
4. When young male drivers have their wife or girlfriend in the car, they drive
C. better
D. fast
B. slowly
5. The word 'they' in bold in the last sentence refers to
B. husbands
c. boyfriends
D. small children.
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
12/02/2023 12:25:52
+5đ tặng
  1. V. Read and choose

    Who are the best drivers? Which drivers are the safest on the roads? According to a recent survey, young and inexperienced drivers are the most likely to have an accident. Older drivers are more careful. Young men have the worst accident records of all. They often choose faster cars with bigger engines. One of the most interesting facts in the survey is that passengers have an effect on the driver. When young male drivers have their friends in the car, their driving becomes worse. When their wife or girlfriend is in the car, however, their driving is better. But this is not true for women. Their driving is more dangerous when their husband or boyfriend is in the car. However, if their small children are riding in the car, they drive more slowly and safely.

    1. According to the survey, who are the most likely to have an accident?

    A. Young and inexperienced drivers.

    B.Old and inexperienced drivers.

    C. Young and old female drivers.

    D. Old and experienced men.

    2. Young men are likely to choose ___________

    A. expensive cars

    B. fast cars with big engines

    C. slow and safe cars

    D. slow cars with small engines

    3. Who have an effect on the driver?

    A. Parents

    B. Policeman

    C. Families

    D. Passengers

    4. When young male drivers have their wife or girlfriend in the car, thay drive ___________.

    A. worse

    B. slowly

    C. better

    D. fast

    5. The word 'they' in bold in the last sentence refers to _____________.

    A. women

    B. husbands

    C. boyfriends

    D. small children

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Phạm Tuyên
12/02/2023 12:26:39
+4đ tặng
  1. A. Young and inexperienced drivers
  2. B. Fast cars with big engines
  3. D. Passengers
  4. C. Better
  5. A. Women
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