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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
19/03/2023 11:22:38

Đọc đoạn văn và chọn đáp án đúng



The Great Hashin earthquake, or the Kobe earthquake as it is more commonly known overseas, was an earthquake in Japan that measured 7.3 on the Japan Meteorological Agency magnitude scale. It occurred on January 17th, 1995 at 5:46 a.m in the southern part of Hyogo Perfecture, and lasted for approximately 20 seconds. The epicentre of the earthquake was on the northern end of Awaji Island near Kobe, a cosmopolitan city of over 1.5 million people. A total of 6434 people, mainly in the city of Kobe, lost their lives. Additionally, it causes approximately ten trillion yen in damage. It was the worst earthquake in Japan since the Great Kanto earthquake in 1923, which claimed 140000 lives.

1. The word “oversea” in the text is closest in meaning to ____________

A. Aboard      B. at sea          C. by sea

2. The word “occurred” in the text is closest in meaning to _______________

A. Ended        B. happened    C. started

3. It is stated in the passage that the number of deaths in the city of Kobe _______________

A. Was greater than that of the Great Kanto earthquake.

B. Was not as high as in the Great Kanto earthquake.

C. Exceeded that of any known earthquake

4. The norther end of Awaji island was the place where _______________

A. The effects of the earthquake were felt most strongly.

B. There was no damage to people and property.

C. 1.5 million people lost their lives.

5. We understand from the passage that the Kobe earthquake __________________

A. Is internationally known as the Great Hanshin earthquake

B. Didn’t cause any damage in the neighbourhood of Kobe.

C. Is not the deadliest earthquake in the history of Kobe.

3 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Thu Giang
19/03/2023 11:26:06
+5đ tặng

1. The word “oversea” in line 1 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. abroad B. at sea C. by sea

2. The word "occurred" in the text is closest in meaning to________.

A. ended B. happened C.started

3. It's started in the passage that the number of deaths in the city of Kobe________.

A. was greater than that of the Great Kanto earthquake

B. was not as high as in the Great Kanto earthquake

C. exceeded that of any known earthquake

4. The northern and of Awaji Island was the place where________.

A. the effects of the earthquake were felt most strongly

B. there was no damage to people and porperty

C. 1.5 milion people lost their lives

5. We understand from the passage that the Kobe earthquake________

A. is internationally known as the Great Hanshin earthquake

B. didn't cause any damage in the neighborhood of Kobe

C. is not the deadliest eathquake in the history of Japan

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Phạm Tú
19/03/2023 11:28:27
+4đ tặng
  1. A. Aboard (Từ "overseas" trong đoạn văn đề cập đến bên ngoài Nhật Bản, và ý nghĩa gần nhất với từ này là "aboard" có nghĩa là trên tàu, trên máy bay, hoặc trên xe đi đến một nước ngoài.)
  2. B. happened (Từ "occurred" trong đoạn văn có nghĩa là "happened", do đó ý nghĩa gần nhất với từ này là "happened".)
  3. A. Was greater than that of the Great Kanto earthquake.( Đoạn văn nêu rõ rằng có 6.434 người thiệt mạng trong thành phố Kobe do động đất lớn Hanshin. Số người này ít hơn số người chết trong động đất lớn Kanto lên tới 140.000 người, do đó ý nghĩa gần nhất với câu trả lời là "Không cao bằng trong động đất lớn Kanto".)
  4. A. The effects of the earthquake were felt most strongly. (Đoạn văn nêu rõ rằng tâm chấn của động đất nằm ở phía bắc đảo Awaji gần Kobe, và đó là nơi mà ảnh hưởng của động đất được cảm nhận mạnh nhất. Do đó, ý nghĩa gần nhất với câu trả lời là "Ảnh hưởng của động đất được cảm nhận mạnh nhất".)
  5. A. Is internationally known as the Great Hanshin earthquake. (Đoạn văn nói rõ rằng động đất lớn này được gọi bằng tên Kobe ở nước ngoài, do đó ý nghĩa gần nhất với câu trả lời là "Được biết đến quốc tế với tên gọi Động đất lớn Hanshin".)
Phạm Tú
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Phạm Tú
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19/03/2023 11:33:44
+3đ tặng

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