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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
26/03/2023 15:01:07

Have you ever visited any English-speaking country. Or do you know any through TV or books. Tell about it You should base on the suggestions below

Have you ever visited any English-speaking country? Or do you know any through TV or books? Tell about it You should base on the suggestions below:
- What is the country?
- How did you know about it?
- What is ther general information about it (location, capital city, big cities, population, area, etc)
- It is a good destination for visitors? Why?
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
26/03/2023 15:16:50
+5đ tặng
- It is United States.
- I know the United States through social networking site.
- The United States or the United States is a federal constitutional republic in the Americas, located in the Western Hemisphere, the territory consists of 50 states and a federal special zone (including 48 continental states), Capital Washington, D.C., the largest city is New York. The United States is located in the middle of North America, bordering the Pacific Beach in the west, the Atlantic Ocean in the east, Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. Alaska is located in the northwestern region of the North American continent, bordering Canada in the east and Russia in the west through the strait of Bering. The state of Hawaii is located in the middle of the Pacific. The United States has 14 belonging territories scattered in the Caribbean and Pacific Ocean and 326 from the Aboriginal American region.
With 3.8 million square miles (9.8 million km²) and more than 331 million people, the United States is the third largest country in terms of total area as well as the third in terms of population size. The United States is the nation of immigrants, this is the most diverse country and cultural country in the world as a result of immigrants from many different countries around the globe.
- It is a good destination for visitors. There everyone can experience what they want.

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