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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
05/05/2023 12:59:27

The Hung King Temple Festival takes place from the 8th to the 11th day of the third lunar month in Phu Tho. This festival is held to worship the Hung Kings ..........

The Hung King Temple Festival takes place from the 8th to the 11th day of the third lunar month in Phu Tho. This festival is held to worship the Hung Kings who are the founders and also the first emperors of the nation. The festival features a procession from the foot of the Nghia Linh mountain to the High Temple on the top of the mountain. Here, there is a ceremony of offering incense and specialities such as chung cakes, day cakes, and five-fruit trays to the Kings. Moreover, there are also many joyful activities including bamboo swings, lion dances, wrestling and xoan singing performances.
1.When does the Hung King Temple Festival take place?
2.Who is this festival held to worship? 
3.Is there a ceremony of offering incense and specialities in the festival?
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
+5đ tặng

1. The Hung King Temple Festival takes place from the 8th to the 11th day of the third lunar month.
2. The Hung King Temple Festival is held to worship the Hung Kings who are the founders and first emperors of the nation.
3. Yes, there is a ceremony of offering incense and specialities such as chung cakes, day cakes, and five-fruit trays to the Kings at the High Temple on the top of Nghia Linh mountain during the festival.

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Thu Giang
05/05/2023 14:35:46
+4đ tặng

1. When does the Hung King Festival take place? 

Hung King Temple Festival takes place from the 8th to the 11th day of the third lunar month

2.Who is this festival held to worship? 
The Hung King Temple Festival is held to worship the Hung Kings who are the founders and first emperors of the nation.​

3.Is there a ceremony of offering incense and specialities in the festival?

Yes, there is a ceremony of offering incense and specialities such as chung cakes, day cakes, and five-fruit trays to the Kings at the High Temple on the top of Nghia Linh mountain during the festival.

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