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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
09/05/2023 13:47:52

Wrire a paragraph about mean of transport in the future 70 words

wrire a paragraph about mean of transport in the future 70 words
3 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
09/05/2023 14:03:08
+5đ tặng

Traffic jams have appeared in many places of our country. So in the future, many interesting means of transport will be born by humans. My dream means of transport is sky-cycling. In my opinion, it will be powered by solar energy and wind energy to avoid pollution and save fuel. Two people can sit on it. We can use it anytime and anywhere. It's won't take a lot of space. I think it will look like a big tube. People will pedal to move tubes in sky-rails. With the use of modern technology, sky-cycling will be able to help us many things and it will make our life become better. Sky-cycling will be able to avoid traffic jam, pollution and it help us comtemplate sky more clearly. In the future, I hope people will make sky-cycling is the same as my dream.

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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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Diệp Thu
09/05/2023 21:14:55
+4đ tặng
Transportation in the future is likely to be revolutionized by advanced technologies, such as self-driving cars, hyperloops, and flying taxis. With the rise of electric and autonomous vehicles, transportation is expected to become more efficient and environmentally friendly. The development of hyperloops, a futuristic high-speed transportation system, will allow people to travel at incredible speeds, reducing travel times significantly. Additionally, flying taxis and drones may become more common, providing an aerial alternative to traditional modes of transportation. Overall, the future of transportation promises to be exciting, innovative, and transformative.
trần tứ
03/11/2023 20:00:10
I really like my bike. Thanks to it, I was able to go to school faster. When I was in 6th grade, my dad bought me this bike so I could go to school by myself. The bike is pink. This is my favorite color. The bike has a basket in the front so I can keep my books or other essentials in place. My bike has two wheels that aren’t too big. With the right wheel, I won’t spend too much effort cycling. Brakes are mounted on both the front and rear wheels. Near the left hand side of the handlebar is a small bell. When I want to signal that I am on the way, I will ring that bell. It took me only 5 minutes to get to school since I got a bike. When I have free time, I can use my to go to my friends’ houses. Every time I have time I will clean my bike to make it look new. It’s great to have a bike like the present.

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