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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
21/06/2023 11:09:40

It's becoming increasingly popular to have a year of between finishing school and going to university. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? Làm một đoạn văn ngắn ạ

It's becoming increasingly popular to have a year of between finishing school and going to university. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this ?
Làm một đoạn văn ngắn ạ
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Ozzy TK
21/06/2023 11:15:56
+5đ tặng
There are several advantages and disadvantages associated with taking a gap year:
Advantages of a gap year:

Personal growth and self-discovery: A gap year allows students to explore their interests, passions, and strengths outside of the academic environment. It provides an opportunity for personal growth, self-reflection, and gaining a better understanding of oneself.

Experiential learning: During a gap year, students can engage in various experiences such as volunteering, internships, or traveling. These experiences can provide valuable practical skills, enhance cultural awareness, and develop a global perspective.

Increased maturity and independence: Taking a gap year often involves living away from home and facing new challenges. This can promote personal development, independence, and the ability to adapt to different situations.

Career exploration: A gap year can help students gain insights into potential career paths by allowing them to explore different industries or job opportunities. It provides them with a chance to gain practical experience and make informed decisions about their future academic or career choices.

Disadvantages of a gap year:

Academic interruption: Taking a year off can disrupt the academic momentum and make it challenging to return to a structured learning environment. It may require additional effort to adjust and catch up with peers who have continued their studies.

Financial considerations: Depending on the activities pursued during a gap year, it can be financially demanding. Traveling, internships, or volunteering programs may require financial resources, and students need to plan accordingly to manage their expenses.

Lack of motivation: Some students may struggle with maintaining their academic focus and motivation after a year-long break. They might find it challenging to transition back into a disciplined academic routine.

Delay in career progression: While a gap year can provide valuable experiences, it also means delaying entry into the job market. This delay could potentially impact career progression or earning potential in the long run.

It is important for students considering a gap year to carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages and consider their personal goals, interests, and circumstances.


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