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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
11/07/2023 10:07:22

Choose the correct word or phrase that best fits the blank in each of the follow sentences

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
V. Choose the correct word or phrase that best fits the blank in each of the follow
A. After
2. I have never met so
A. a better man
3. The babies
the second break, students continue to learn the third lesson.
B. Before
C. During
D. In
B. good a man
after very properly in
B. looks
A. looking
4. I wish my grandmother__________ me some presents on my next
A. gave
B. will give
C. would give
5. Would you mind passing me that mirror?
A. Yes, of course B. I would rather you C. No problem
A. Dislike
C. the best man
the villa are twins.
C. looked
B. sweater
D. better man as
6. My brother was the first person.
A. took
B. take
7. I am sorry that I forgot.
you a birthday card but I am busy with my job.
C. to send
D. sent
8. After finding a job in the town, she doesn't have to ________
A. sending
B. send
A. get along with
B. look after
C. depend on
9. Because she has a sore throat, she must wear a
A. scarf
C. skirt
D. to look
D. had given
D. Yes, I'd love to
part in the English speaking club last year.
C. to take
D. taken
her parents.
D. blouse
his father, his mother enjoys reading newspapers on fashion.
B. Unlike
C. Liking
D. To like
D. talk to
her neck.
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Kim Anh
11/07/2023 10:08:53
+5đ tặng

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Bạn đã đạt đến giới hạn của mình. Bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản, bạn có thể xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời
Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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Vân Anh
11/07/2023 10:09:44
+4đ tặng
  • 1.B    2.C     3.C     4.C       6.B       7.A       9.D   10.B
Vân Anh
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