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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
06/08/2023 21:17:54

Use the correct voice (active os passive) and the correct tense of the verb in each

Use the correct voice (active os passive) and the correct tense of the verb in each sentence

1.       That movie about Napoleon's life (disappoint) me greatly.

2.       The mail (deliver, always) to this office before 10 a.m

3.       Who (furnish) the food for the picnic next weekend?

4.       At this time , much attention (devote) to that problem.

5.       Think carefully . I’m sure you (remember) his name.

6.       We (treat) very kindly by our hosts last Sunday.

7.       Mr. Wilson (make) some interesting statements yesterday.

8.       A new textbook (publish) by that company next year.

9.       The noise from the trains (annoy) me terribly last night.

10.     That old red house (build) in the year 1822.

3 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
1. That movie about Napoleon's life disappointed me greatly. (active, past tense)
2. The mail is always delivered to this office before 10 a.m. (passive, present tense)
3. Who will furnish the food for the picnic next weekend? (active, future tense)
4. At this time, much attention is being devoted to that problem. (passive, present continuous tense)
5. Think carefully. I’m sure you will remember his name. (active, future tense)
6. We were treated very kindly by our hosts last Sunday. (passive, past tense)
7. Mr. Wilson made some interesting statements yesterday. (active, past tense)
8. A new textbook will be published by that company next year. (passive, future tense)
9. The noise from the trains annoyed me terribly last night. (active, past tense)
10. That old red house was built in the year 1822. (passive, past tense)
Duy Thái
06/08/2023 21:18:44
+5đ tặng
1. That movie about Napoleon's life **disappointed** me greatly. (active, past tense)
2. The mail **is always delivered** to this office before 10 a.m. (passive, present tense)
3. Who **will furnish** the food for the picnic next weekend? (active, future tense)
4. At this time, much attention **is being devoted** to that problem. (passive, present continuous tense)
5. Think carefully. I'm sure you **will remember** his name. (active, future tense)
6. We **were treated** very kindly by our hosts last Sunday. (passive, past tense)
7. Mr. Wilson **made** some interesting statements yesterday. (active, past tense)
8. A new textbook **will be published** by that company next year. (passive, future tense)
9. The noise from the trains **annoyed** me terribly last night. (active, past tense)
10. That old red house **was built** in the year 1822. (passive, past tense)

Mở khóa để xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời

Bạn đã đạt đến giới hạn của mình. Bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản, bạn có thể xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời
Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
Tôi đã có tài khoản? Đăng nhập
Thu Giang
06/08/2023 21:21:53
+4đ tặng
  1. disappointed
  2. is always delivered
  3. will furnish
  4. is being devoted
  5. will remember
  6. were treated
  7. made
  8. will be published
  9. annoyed
  10. was built
la thuy tien
06/08/2023 21:26:09
+3đ tặng
  1. disappointed
  2. is always delivered
  3. will furnish
  4. is being devoted
  5. will remember
  6. were treated
  7. made
  8. will be published
  9. annoyed
  10. was built 

Bạn hỏi - Lazi trả lời

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