We would like to remind you that your account is two months overdue. On the basis of our goodwill, we are prepared to allow you another ten days to settle your account. However, if you fail to pay your outstanding bills within ten days you will leave us with no alternative but to take legal action. That is,unless we receive full payment by 20 March, we will take steps to reclaim our money, plus compensation costs.
Should you be experiencing financial difficulties, please contact our Finance Department providing that you settle your account within the specified time period, we will be happy to continue to do business with you.However, we will, if necessary , take the regrettable step of closing your account. We are sorry that the situation has come to this, but if you had paid your bills over the last two months, we would not be in this position now.
You may have settled your account in the last two days; if so, please accept our apologies for this letter.