1. Should children get money for helping at home?
Yes, they should because it teaches them the value of hard work and responsibility. Plus, it's a great way to motivate them to contribute to household chores.
2. Should students get money for going to school?
Sure, why not? It could be a fun incentive for students to attend school regularly and stay motivated in their studies. However, it's important to ensure that the focus remains on education and not just the monetary reward.
3. Should the Internet be free for everybody?
Absolutely! Access to the internet has become essential for education, communication, and accessing information. Making it free for everybody would bridge the digital divide and ensure equal opportunities for all.
4. Should every child have a tablet?
While it can be beneficial for educational purposes, it's not necessary for every child to have a tablet. It's important to strike a balance between screen time and other activities like outdoor play, socializing, and reading physical books. Additionally, not all families may have the financial means to provide tablets for their children.