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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
26/08/2023 19:30:45

Underline the correct bold word in each sentence

Underline the correct bold word in each sentence.

1. Minh is interested in painting, so / but yesterday he decided to join the arts and crafts club.

2. Life in the city seems to be more comfortable, otherwise / but I prefer life in the countryside.

3. She tries to focus more on her studies; therefore / otherwise, she won't pass her exams.

4. During harvest time, farmers have to get up earlier, and / so they have to work harder.

5. Parents now have higher expectations of their children; therefore / so, children are under more pressure than before.

VIII. Put an appropriate word in each gap in the following passage

I've (1) _________ working with teenagers for five years. I've spent time talking to them besides teaching them English. I remember once I asked them (2) ________ their parents or classmates had more influence on their success at school.
Some said their parents had (3) _________ influence on their achievement. The (4) ________ given was that parents usually loved their (5) ___________ unconditionally, and they definitely would do their best to help and support their children. For (6)_________ , parents could do all the housework so that their children could have (7)  ________for studying.
However, some students revealed that their parents were (8) ________  busy to spend time with them. Therefore, it was difficult for parents to help their children. In this case, classmates or friends affected their success (9) ________ because they talked to them more and they helped each other to deal (10) ________ any difficulty in studying.

1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Đức Anh Trần
26/08/2023 19:31:43
+5đ tặng

I. Underline the correct bold word in each sentence.

  1. Minh is interested in painting, so yesterday he decided to join the arts and crafts club.

  2. Life in the city seems to be more comfortable, but I prefer life in the countryside.

  3. She tries to focus more on her studies; therefore, she won’t pass her exams.

  4. During harvest time, farmers have to get up earlier, and they have to work harder.

  5. Parents now have higher expectations of their children; therefore, children are under more pressure than before.

VIII. Put an appropriate word in each gap in the following passage

I’ve (1) been working with teenagers for five years. I’ve spent time talking to them besides teaching them English. I remember once I asked them (2) whether their parents or classmates had more influence on their success at school. Some said their parents had (3) more influence on their achievement. The (4) reason given was that parents usually loved their (5) children unconditionally, and they definitely would do their best to help and support their children. For (6) example, parents could do all the housework so that their children could have (7) time for studying. However, some students revealed that their parents were (8) too busy to spend time with them. Therefore, it was difficult for parents to help their children. In this case, classmates or friends affected their success (9) more because they talked to them more and they helped each other to deal (10) with any difficulty in studying.

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