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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
27/09/2023 15:39:22

Choose the best answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
XI. Rewrite the following sentences using the words provided without changing
the meaning
1. It rained a lot but we enjoyed our holiday. (Although)
2. I couldn't sleep well although I was tired. (Despite)
3. They have very little money but they are very happy. (In spite of)
4. In spite of the silly story, I enjoyed the film. (Although)
5. He has a very important job, but he isn't particularly well-paid. (Although)
6. Although the traffic was bad, I arrived on time. (Despite)
7. We live in the same street but we hardly ever see each other. (Despite)
8. I had an umbrella but I got very wet in the rain. (Even though)
9. Although my foot was injured, I managed to walk to the nearest village. (In spite of)
10. Despite the heavy rain, they went out. (Although)
11. Despite knowing the area well, I got lost. (Although)
12. Despite his age, Mr. Brown tried to run every morning. (Although)
13. He was on a diet but he ate the chocolate. (Though)
XII. Change these sentences into indirect speech
1. She said, "It is much colder today."
2. "I didn't watch TV last night", said Ann.
3. My sister said, "You are putting on a lot of weight."
4. "I don't like playing chess", she said.
5. Ann said, "It will be very difficult for all of us."
6. "They haven't finished their work yet", she said.
7. He said, "Do you want to see the Cathedral?"
14. He took many pictures though the sky was cloudy. (Despite)
15. In spite of his tiredness, he managed to finish his work. (Although)
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
27/09/2023 15:49:31
+5đ tặng
1. She said that it was much colder that day.
2. Ann said that she hadn't watched TV the previous night.
3. My sister said that I was putting on a lot of weight.
4. She said that she didn't like playing chess.
5. Ann said that it would be very difficult for all of them.
6. She said that they hadn't finished their work yet.
7. He asked if I wanted to see the Cathedral.

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