Bài tập  /  Bài đang cần trả lời

Chọn đáp án đúng


1. My wedding ring  …… of yellow and white gold.       a. is made     b. is making            c. made                   d. maked

2. If your brother ……., he would come.                          a. invited    b. were invited c. were inviting     d. invite

3. Mr. Wilson is …………… as Wilie to his friend.         a. knowed    b. knew             c. known              d. is known

4. References …………. in the examination room.        a. not are used  b. is not used         c. didn’t used    d. are not used

5. Laura ………….. in Boston.                                       a. are born   b. were born c. was born    d. born

6. My nother is going …………… this house.               a. sold                    b. to be sold   c. to sold        d. to sell

7. There’s somebody hehind us. I think we are ……      a. being followed  b. are followed   c. follow d. following

8. Have you …………….. by a dog?                              a. bite           b. ever been        c. ever been bitten  d. bit

9. The room is being ………….. at the moment.          a. was cleaned   b. cleaned      c. cleaning d. clean

10. The road to our village …………. widened next year.    a. is          b. will c. can        d. will be

Exercise 2: 

     1. Somebody cleans that room everyday.

       a. The room every day is cleaned.             b. The room is everyday cleaned.

       c. The room is cleaned every day.                                 d. The room is cleaned by somebody everyday.

    2. They cancelled all flights because of fog.

       a. All flights because of fog were cancelled.                   b. All flights were cancelled because of fog.

       c. All flights were cancelled by them because of fog.    d. All flights were because of fog cancelled.

   3. They are building a new highway around the city.

       a. A new highway is being built around the city.             b. A new highway is being built around the city by them.

      c. A new highway around the city is being built.             d. Around the city a new highway is being built.

   4. They have built a new hospital near the airport.

     a. A new hospital has been built near the airport by them.  b. A new hospital near the airport has been built.

     c. A new hospital has been built near the airport.                d. Near the airport a new hospital has been built by them.

  5. They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview.

  a. You will be asked a lot of questions at the interview.    b. You will be asked a lot of questions at the interview by them.

  c. A lot of questions will be asked you at the interview.    d. A lot of questions will be asked at the interview.

6. People don’t use this road very often.

   a. This road is not used very often.                                      b. Not very often this road is not used.

   c. This road very often is not used.                                      d. This road not very often is used.

7. Somebody accused me of stealing money.

  a. I was accused by somebody of stealing money.               b. I was accused of stealing money.

  c. I was accused of stealing money by somebody.               d. I was accused stealing money.

8. Somebody is using the computer at the moment.

   a. The computer is being used at the moment.                        b. The computer at the moment is being used.

   c. The computer is being used by somebody at the moment. d. The computer is used at the moment.

9. The bill includes service.

a. Service is included by the bill.   b. Service included in the bill.  c. Service is included in the bill.  d. Service is in the bill.

10. They have changed the date of the meeting.

a. The date of the meeting has been changed.                          b. The date of the meeting has been changed by them.

c. The meeting has been changed the date.                              d. The date of the meeting has changed.

Exercise 3. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu sau

  1. The old lady was ………. exhausted after the long walk.    a. very   b. aboslutely   c. pretty d. fairly.

  2. The old man is said……………. all his money to an old people’s home when he died.

      a. to leave b. to leaving c. have left d. to have left.

  3. Nobody was injured in the accident, …………?        a. was there b. was he   c. were they   d. weren’t they.

  4. Renoir’s paintings ……….. masterpieces all over the world.

   a. had considered b. are considered c. are considering d. consider.

  5. He was advised…………singing lessons.               a. take        b. taken    c. taking d. to take.

6. You’d better get someone…………your living room.

       a. redecorate b. redecorated c. to redecorate d. redecorating.

7. When………….. ?  In 1928.         a. penicillin was discovered b. did pencillin discoved.

                                                           c. was penicillin disscoverd d. did pencillin discover.

8. I don’t remember…………….. of the decision to change the company policy on vacations.

        a. telling b. being told c. to tell d. to be told.

9. The children ……………to the zoo.          a. were enjoyed taken b. enjoyed being taken

                                                                        c. were enjoyed taking d.  enjoyed taking.

10. A new bike was bought …………. him on his birthday.       a. to    b. for    c. with d. on.

11. These flowers need … ……………                        A. watered       B. watering     C. to water D. be watered

12. I have my hair … by the hairdresser every month.  A. cut     B. to be cut      C. cutted D. cuts

13. I … born in 1995.                                                     A. am     B. was              C. were D. was been

14. I want my car … by him.             A. to be repaired  B. be repaired    C. being repaired D. will repair

15. The book … by my mother a year ago.   A. is writing B. was written C. is written D. is being written

16. A lot of trees … if I had had a wide yard.         A. would be planed B. will be planed

                                                                                 C. would have planed D. would have been planed

17. I remembered my bag … by Lucie yesterday.    A. taking B. taken C. being taken    D. to be take

18. He was … to steal her wallet.                             A. saw B. see C. seen    D. to be seen

19. I was invited … to the party.                              A. to go             B. going          C. to be gone    D gone

20. She was said … very kind.                                 A. being             B. is        C. to be    D. to being

21. "What a beautiful dress you're wearing!" "Thank you. It_____ especially for me by a French tailor".

            a. is made        b. has made         c. made       d. was made

22. "Those eggs of different colors are very artistic".  "Yes, they_____ in Russia".

           a. were painted        b. were paint         c. were painting         d. painted

23. "Homer is in jail for smoking marijuana". "He_____ that it was against the law".

             a. is telling          b. was told         c. old          d. tells

24.The maintenance people didn't remove the chairs from the ballroom".

"Don't worry. They __them before the dance begins".

a. will have been moved          b. will have moved                     c. were moved                  d. moved

25. Gold_____ in California in the nineteenth century.

a. was discovered          b. has been discovered                          c. was discover            d. they discovered

26. _____ that military spending is extremely high.

        a. We are felt        b. It feels         c. It is felt         d. We feel that it is

27. All planes_____ before departure.

a. will checked              b. will has checked                  c. will be checked            d. will been checked

28. I wanted_____ by the head of the company, but it was impossible.

          a. to see             b. to be seen          c. seeing         d. being to see

29. Katherine_____ at Bob's house every night this week.

        a. has been eaten         b. has eating         c. is being eating        d. has been eating

30. "Where did you get these old dresses?". "We_____ them in the old trunk".

    a. were found         b. finding          c. found         d. have been found

31. "What happened to the old mail carrier?"  "He_____ to a new neighborhood to work".

     a. has sent         b. was send         c. was sent        d. sent

32. His car needs ……………….         a. be fixed b. fixing c. to be fixing d. fixed.

33. Her watch needs…………….        a. reparing b. to be repaired c. repaired d. a&b.

34. He was said………………. this building.

              a. designing b. to have designed c. to designs         d. designed

35. Ted…………. by a bee while he was sitting in the garden.

             a. got sting b. got stung c. get stung d. gets stung

36. Let the children………….. taken to the cinema.

            a. to b. be c. to be d. being.


1. All bottles _________ before transportation.

         A. frozen B. is frozen C. was frozen D. were frozen

2. Everything that _________ remained a secret.

A. had be overheard B. had been overheard

C. had been overheared D. would had been overheard

3. Everything ___________.

A. were forbidden B. is forbidden C. is forbidded D. are forbidden

4. Everything___________________________.

A. are going to be forgotten B. is going to be forgotten

C. is going to be forgot D. were going to be forgotten

5. I___________________________.

A. have not given the money B. have not been given the money

C. have not been give the money D. have not be given the money

6. It _______ for years.

A. has not be known B. had not been known     C. had not be known D. have not been known

7. It _________ that learning English is easy.

A. are said B. said C. is said D. is sayed

8. John and Ann___________________________.

A. were not mislead B. were not misleeded C. was not misled D. were not misled

9. Our horses ________.

   A. are well feeded B. are well fed C. is well fed D. is well feeded

10. Peter and Tom _________ in an accident yesterday.

A. is hurt B. is hurted C. were hurt    D. were hurted

11. South Florida and HawaiI _________ by a hurricane.

A. is hit B. have been hit C. have are hit   D. has been hit

12. The battles _________ for liberation.

A. had be fought B. had been fighted C. had been fought    D. has been fought

13. We can’t go along here because the road........................

A. is repairing B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. repairs

14. The story I’ve just read_________ Agatha Christie.

A. was written B. was written by C. was written from D. wrote by

15. I’m going to go out and_________

A. have cut my hair B. have my hair cut C. cut my hair     D. my hair be cut

16. Something funny_________ in class yesterday.

A. happened B. was happened C. happens     D. is happened

17. Many US automobiles_________ in Detroit, Michigan

A. manufacture B. have manufactured C. are manufactured   D. are manufacturing

18. A lot of pesticide residue can_________ unwashed produce.

A. find B. found C. be finding D. be found

19. We_________ by a loud noise during the night.

A. woke up B. are woken up C. were woken up       D. were waking up

20. Some film stars_________ difficult to work with.

A. are said be B. are said to be C. say to be              D. said to be

21. Why did Tom keep making jokes about me? – I don’t enjoy_________ at.

A. be laughed B. to be laughed C. laughing              D. being laughed

22. Today, many serious childhood diseases_________ by early immunization. [ sự miễn dịch]

A. are preventing B. can prevent C. prevent               D. can be prevented

23. Do you get your heating_________ every year?

A. checking B. check C. be checked            D. checked

24. Bicycles_________ in the driveway.

A. must not leave              B. must not be leaving          C. must not be left          D. must not have left

25. Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony_________ next weekend. [ Symphony: khúc giao hưởng]

A. is going to be performed      B. has been performed     C. will be performing     D.  will have perform

26. All bottles_________ before transportation.

A. frozen B. were froze C. were frozen        D. are froze

27. ___________________________. yet?

A. Have the letters been typed       B. Have been the letters typed

C. Have the letters typed D. Had the letters typed

28. English has become a second language in countries like India, Nigeria or Singapore where `_________ for administration, broadcasting and education.

A. is used B. it is used C. used              D. being used

29. The telephones_________ by Alexander Graham Bell.

A. is invented B. is inventing C. invented        D. was invented

30. Lots of houses_________ by the earthquake.

A. are destroying B. destroyed      C. were destroyed          D. is destroyed

31. Gold_________ in California in the 19th century.

A. was discovered B. has been discovered C. was discover     D. they discover

32. The preparation_________ by the time the guest_________

A. had been finished- arrived                             B. have finished- arrived

C. had finished-were arriving                             D. have been finished- were arrived

33. The boy_________ by the teacher yesterday.

A. punish B. punished C. punishing    D. was punished

34. “Ms Jones, please type those letters before noon”_ “They’ve already ___, sir. They’re on your desk.”

A. typed             B. been being typed      C. being typed                      D. been typed   

35. Sarah is wearing a blouse. It___________ of cotton.

A. be made B. are made C. is made          D. made

36. They had a boy _________ that yesterday.

A. done                B. to do    C. did D. do

37. We got our mail _________ yesterday.

         A. been delivered    B. delivered   C. delivering D. to deliver

38. James…….. the news as soon as possible.

A. should tell B. should be told C. should told    D. should be telled

39. My wedding ring _________ yellow and white gold.

A. is made B. is making C. made                      D. make

40. Mr. Wilson is _________ as Willie to his friend.

        A. known    B. knew               C. is known D. know

41. References _________ in the examination room.

        A. not are used    B. is not used    C. didn’t used        D. are not used

42. Laura _________ in Boston.

        A. are born    B. were born    C. was born D. born

43. His car needs _________

A. be fixed B. fixing C. to be fixing          D. fixed

44. Her watch needs _________.

        A. repairing    B. to be repaired    C. repaired D. A and B

45. My mother is going _________ this house.

        A. sold    B. sell    C. to be sold   D. to sell

46. There’s somebody behind us. I think we are _________.

A. being followed B. are followed C. follow                D. following

47. Have you _________ by a dog?

         A. bite    B. bit                    C. ever been bitten         D. ever been bit

48. The room is being _________ at the moment.

         A. was cleaned    B. cleaned    C. cleaning D. clean

49. It _________ that the strike will end soon.

A. is expected B. expected C. are expected     D. was expected

50. It is _________ that many people are homeless after the floods.

A. was reported B. reports C. reported          D. reporting

51. He was said _________ this building.

         A. designing    B. to have designed    C. to design D. designed

52. Ted _________ by a bee while he was sitting in the garden.

A. got sting B. got stung C. get stung       D. gets stung

53. These tennis courts don’t _________ very often. Not many people want to play.

A. got used B. used C. get used      D. get use

54. I’ll get Minh _________ this for you.

         A. do    B. done    C. did            D. to do

55. Those letters _________ now. You can do the typing later.

A. need typing B. needn't be typed C. need to type     D. needn't typing

56. “What a beautiful dress you are wearing”- “thanks, it_____ especially for me by a French tailor. ”

A. is made B. has made C. made    D. was made

57. Somebody cleans the room every day.

A. The room everyday is cleaned.               B. The room is every day cleaned.

C. The room is cleaned every day.               D. The room is cleaned by somebody every day.

58. People don’t use this road very often.

A. This road is not used very often.                B. Not very often this road is not used.

C. This road very often is not used.                 D. This road not very often is used.

59. How do people learn languages?

A. How are languages learned?     B. How are languages learned by people?

C. How languages are learned?      D. Languages are learned how?

60. Over 1500 new houses _________ each year. Last year, 1720 new houses _________.

A. were built/ were built B. are built/ were built

        C. are building / were built D. were built/ were being built

61. Tom bought that book yesterday.

A. That book was bought by Tom yesterday.      B. That book was bought yesterday by Tom.

C. That book yesterday was bought by Tom           D. That book was bought yesterday.

62. The new computer system _________ next month.

A. is be installed    B. is being installed    C. is been installed      D. is being installed by people


3 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
bánk bao
05/11/2023 12:44:48
+5đ tặng
câu trả lời là chọn đáp án đúng nha bạn có tìn thì donot cho mình không thì mình hack goodle nhe bạn iu

Mở khóa để xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời

Bạn đã đạt đến giới hạn của mình. Bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản, bạn có thể xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời
Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng nhập tài khoản ngay bây giờ
Tôi đã có tài khoản? Đăng nhập
Nguyễn Văn Minh
05/11/2023 12:45:08
+4đ tặng
1. a. is made
2. b. were invited
3. c. known
4. d. are not used
5. c. was born
6. b. to be sold
7. a. being followed
8. c. ever been bitten
9. b. cleaned
10. d. will be

Nguyễn Văn Minh
chấm đ hộ anh nhé
hoàng linh cao đặng
mấy câu còn lại đâu bạn
Ngọc Linh
05/11/2023 12:48:10
+3đ tặng
1. A is made 2. B were invited 3. D are not used 4. C was born 5. D to sell 6. A being followed 7. C ever been bitten 8. B cleaned 9. D will be 10. B absolutely

Exercise 2: 
1c. The room is cleaned every day.
3  a. A new highway is being built around the city.
5. You will be asked a lot of questions at the interview
6. A
7 C
8 C
9 C
tách đề ra bạn nhé!

Bạn hỏi - Lazi trả lời

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