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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
29/11/2023 17:51:14

Fill in the gap with: WHO, WHOM, WHICH, or WHOSE:

giúp vs ạ
like và chấm điểm
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
III. Fill in the gap with: WHO, WHOM, WHICH, or WHOSE:
1. We talk about the party
2. Don is a friend with
3. Mrs. Richmond,
4. We cannot find the person_
5. The film about
Sarah wants to organize for my birthday.
I stayed in Australia.
13. The car
14. The woman
15. The postman
16. The family
17. The cowboy
18. A bus is a big car
19. The volunteers,
20. Children
21. The engineers
is 42 years old, does morning exercise every morning.
car is blocking our driveway.
they are talking is thrilling.
you met yesterday, is a famous lawyer in the town.
purse was stolen outside the supermarket.
showed me the way to your house has a beautiful oval face.
I received on my birthday is informative.
products have high quality is facing with financial problem.
waited outside in the car.
6. My uncle,
7. The police are questioning the woman_
8. The girl
9. The book
10. The company
11. He arrived with a friend
12. The man
mobile was ringing did not know what to do.
the robbers escaped in was a BMW.
daughter was crying tried to calm her down.
works in the village is very old.
car was stolen last week is the Smiths.
is wearing a red shirt looks very funny.
carries lost of people.
enthusiasm was obvious, finished the work quickly.
like music are often good at mathematics.
designed the building received an award.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Th Vinh
29/11/2023 17:58:56
+5đ tặng

1. We talk about the party ______which______Sarah wants to organize for my birthday.

2. Don is a friend with ______whom______ I stayed in Australia.

3. Mrs. Richmond, ______whose______is 42 years old, does morning exercise every morning.

4. We cannot find the person_____whose_______car is blocking our driveway.

5. The film about_____which_______they are talking is thrilling.

6. My uncle, ______who______you met yesterday, is a famous lawyer in the town.

7. The police are questioning the woman_____whose_______purse was stolen outside the supermarket.

8. The girl _____who_______showed me the way to your house has a beautiful oval face.

9. The book ______which______I received on my birthday is informative.

10. The company ______whose______products have high quality is facing with financial problem.

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