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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
11/12/2023 20:09:39

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.

21. Sunny sings the song __________ than Jessie does.

      A. more well         B. better                      C. more good              D. best

22. Today, Ly came to class _________ than she did yesterday.

      A. earlier               B. more earlily            C. more early              D. too earlier

23. Is living in the countryside _________ than living in the city?

A. much convenient                                        B. more convenient


C. most convenient                                         D. too convenient

24. The storm is becoming __________ than it was yesterday.

      A. severe               B. severely                  C. more severe            D. more severely

25. The cake tastes ___________ than we expected

      A. delicious           B. more delicious        C. deliciously              D. more deliciously

26. She is trying to work _________ for her upcoming exam.

      A. more hardly      B. hardly                     C. hardlier                  D. harder

27. It seems to be _________ idea so far

      A. most brilliant    B. more brilliant          C. the most brilliant D. the more brilliant

28. Tiffany dances so _________ that nobody thinks that she’s actually a vocalist.

      A. well                              B. good                       C. badly                      D. bad

29. Girls’ Generation is considered one of the ______ Asian girl groups in the 21st century.

      A. successful         B. more successful                  C. most successful D. the most successful

30. Goldfish band looks cute but they sing live much _________ than I thought.

      A. bad                               B. badly                       C. worse                      D. more badly

1 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
21. B. better
22. A. earlier
23. B. more convenient
24. C. more severe
25. B. more delicious
26. D. harder
27. B. more brilliant
28. A. well
29. C. most successful
30. C. worse
Quang Cường
11/12/2023 20:12:59
+5đ tặng
  1. Sunny sings the song better than Jessie does.

  2. Today, Ly came to class earlier than she did yesterday.

  3. Is living in the countryside more convenient than living in the city?

  4. The storm is becoming more severe than it was yesterday.

  5. The cake tastes more delicious than we expected.

  6. She is trying to work harder for her upcoming exam.

  7. It seems to be the most brilliant idea so far.

  8. Tiffany dances so well that nobody thinks that she’s actually a vocalist.

  9. Girls’ Generation is considered one of the most successful Asian girl groups in the 21st century.

  10. Goldfish band looks cute, but they sing live much worse than I thought.

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