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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
04/01 20:29:53

Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
II. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question
- Read the following passage and the unfinished sentences carefully. Then
choose the best answer and circle your choice.
When spring time comes, everything begins to wake up. Many animals in the
woods have been asleep ali winter. Birds have been away. Under the snow, the
ground has been hard and still.
Then, all at once, it is spring! The days begin to grow long. From the south the
birds fly back, ready to build their nests. Animals wake up and start to look for food.
Trees grow new leaves. Plants begin to flower. Baby birds and animals are born.
Farmers are busy from morning until night.
In many countries, people greet the spring with songs and dancing. Springtime is
a happy time all over the world.
1. The story as a whole is about....
A. living in winter. B. birds flying south.
2. Spring is the time when
A. birds fly to the south.
C. springtime D. birds flying north.
B. it starts to snow.
1 trả lời
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I. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question
- Read the following passage and the unfinished sentences carefully. Then
choose the best answer and circle your choice.
When spring time comes, everything begins to wake up. Many animals in the
woods have been asleep ali winter. Birds have been away. Under the snow, the
ground has been hard and still.
Then, all at once, it is spring! The days begin to grow long. From the south the
birds fly back, ready to build their nests. Animals wake up and start to look for food.
Trees grow new leaves. Plants begin to flower. Baby birds and animals are born.
Farmers are busy from morning until night.
In many countries, people greet the spring with songs and dancing. Springtime is
a happy time all over the world.
1. The story as a whole is about....
A. living in winter. B. birds flying south.
C. springtime D. birds flying north.
2 cậu đưa chx rõ nên ko thấy đc

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