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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
10/01 21:43:59

Descipe something that you do to stay healthy

topic 2 : descipe something that you do to stay healthy

- what this activity is

- when you do it

- how long you do it every day

- how often you do it

1 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
One activity that I do to stay healthy is running. I usually go for a run in the morning before starting my day. I typically run for about 30 minutes every day. I make sure to do it consistently, at least five times a week.

Running not only helps me maintain a healthy weight but also improves my cardiovascular endurance. It boosts my energy levels and helps me stay focused throughout the day. Additionally, running outdoors allows me to enjoy the fresh air and connect with nature, which has a positive impact on my mental well-being.

To ensure I stay motivated and committed to my running routine, I often set specific goals for myself. Whether it's increasing my distance or improving my pace, having goals keeps me challenged and engaged. I also enjoy tracking my progress using a running app, which allows me to monitor my distance, time, and calories burned.

Before each run, I make sure to warm up properly by stretching and doing some light exercises to prevent any injuries. Afterward, I cool down by stretching again and hydrating adequately. This routine helps me maintain a healthy and injury-free running practice.

Overall, running has become an integral part of my daily routine, and I find it to be an effective and enjoyable way to stay healthy both physically and mentally.
+5đ tặng

I would like to share with you something that I am keen on doing in my leisure time to stay healthy, which is jogging.

took up this habit about 2 years ago. At that time, I was up to my ears with study to prepare for my graduation examination so I was a little bit stressed out. Then I thought that I needed to do something energetic to release some stress, so I decided to have a crack at jogging.

At first, doing this was quite challenging for me because I led a sedentary lifestyle. I just sat in front of my computer every day to complete my assignments. But after a few days of suffering from muscle aches, I got used to jogging and kept doing it in the evenings.

Well, I have to say that this sport has helped me a lot in strengthening my physical health as well as my mental health. Thanks to jogging, I was able to lose my fat belly and get lean. Now, to be honest, I’m quite satisfied with my youthful appearance and trying to maintain it. Also, jogging allows me to unwind and enjoy fresh air, and whenever I go jogging I feel like my mind is being refreshed.

In the future, I am going to keep doing this to stay healthy and maybe I will try some other sports too. That’s all!

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