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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
11/01 21:58:39

What is the passage mainly about

1.What is the passage mainly about?
A.the causes of traffic jams in Viet Nam
B.the effects of traffic jams in Viet Nam
C.the reality of traffic jams in Viet Nam
D.the solutions to reduce traffic jams of Viet Nam
2.When is traffic conges toon in Viet Nam the worst?
A.when everyone goes to work 
B.between 9 a.m to 10 a.m
C.between 3 p.m to 4 p.m
D.at the weekend 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
the UK is convenient because you can avoid_
B. policemen
The word "tedious" in line 3 means
. traffic jams
A. traffic accidents
D. bus lanes
not interesting
B. exciting
C. wonderful
D. important
The phrasal verb "put on" in the first sentence of the second paragraph can be
replaced with "
A. close
B. wear
C. play
Which of the following statements is NOT MENTIONED about bus journeys in
Latin America?
A. Passengers can entertain during their trip by watching films.
B Drivers play new styles of music on the radio.
C. They are more exciting than bus trips in the UK.
D. They are more expensive than bus trips in the UK.
II - Read the passage and do the tasks below.
Traffic jams in Viet Nam frequently take place in big cities, such as Ha Noi and Ho Chi
Minh City.
There is no fixed rule for the time a traffic jam to happen. But It is worst during the rush
hour when everyone is in a hurry to get to work or come back home. Apart from peak
hours, the time between 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. and between 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. also witnesses
long lines of vehicles, mainly motorbikes. When it rains, the traffic jam gets more
terrible. Taxis are extremely hard to catch or wave during the downpour.
However, the most annoying thing about the traffic jam is the way people react to it. Most
road users ride their motorbikes on the pavement rather than waiting calmly. Moreover,
they constantly use their horns to hasten riders in the front, even shouting at them from
time to time.
Part 1: Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
11/01 21:59:31
+5đ tặng

1. C (Traffic jams in Viet Nam frequently take place in big cities, such as Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City → câu chủ đề ⇒ nói về thực trạng của việc kẹt xe ở VN)

2. A (But It is worst during the rush hour when everyone is in a hurry to get to work or come back home.)

3. B (Taxis are extremely hard to catch or wave during the downpour.

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