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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
12/01 14:54:02

Viết bài văn về dân tộc H.Mông bằng tiếng Anh bằng 120-130 từ

Viết bài văn về dân tộc H.Mông bằng tiếng anh bằng 120-130 từ
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
The Hmong ethnic group is one of the most vibrant and culturally rich communities in Southeast Asia. With a population of over 10 million, the Hmong people have a long and fascinating history.

The Hmong are known for their distinct traditions and customs. They have a strong sense of community and value their cultural heritage. The Hmong language, which is part of the Hmong-Mien language family, is still widely spoken among the community.

One of the most significant aspects of Hmong culture is their traditional clothing. The Hmong people are famous for their intricate and colorful embroidery, which is often seen on their clothing. Each design tells a unique story and reflects the Hmong people's connection to nature and their ancestors.

The Hmong people have a rich oral tradition, with storytelling playing a vital role in their culture. Through storytelling, they pass down their history, legends, and moral values from one generation to another. Hmong folktales often revolve around themes of bravery, love, and the importance of community.

Music and dance are also integral parts of Hmong culture. The Hmong people have a wide range of traditional musical instruments, including the qeej, a wind instrument, and the lusheng, a bamboo pipe instrument. These instruments are often played during festivals and celebrations, accompanied by traditional Hmong dances.

Despite facing challenges and hardships throughout history, the Hmong people have managed to preserve their unique cultural identity. Today, they continue to celebrate their traditions and pass them on to future generations. The Hmong ethnic group is a testament to the resilience and strength of a community that cherishes its heritage.
Trần Anh Đức
12/01 15:08:14
+5đ tặng

The Hmong also called Lao Sung in Laos and Miêu in China. They mostly live in the northwest and northeast region. The have a population of about 10 milion people. Their language belongs to Hmong-Mien language. They are experenced farmers. They have 2 main festival: Gau Tao and Nao Cong. Their religions are: Saman, Phat and Kito religion. They have their own costume. It's very beautiful.
                                                                @Trần Anh Đức

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