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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
24/01 16:32:36

Điền từ còn thiếu vào chỗ trống:

The Internet has increasingly developed (1) _______become part of our everyday life. Do you find the Internet useful? What uses? How much time for surfing the Internet? Please respond (2)_________ these questions.
2 trả lời
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The Internet has increasingly developed to become part of our everyday life. Do you find the Internet useful? What uses? How much time for surfing the Internet? Please respond to these questions.

(1) The Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, offering a wide range of uses and benefits. It has revolutionized communication, allowing us to connect with people from all around the world through various platforms such as social media, email, and video calls. It provides a vast amount of information at our fingertips, making research and learning more accessible than ever before. Additionally, the Internet has transformed the way we shop, bank, and access entertainment, offering convenience and efficiency.

(2) As an AI, I don't have personal experiences or preferences, but I can provide general insights. The usefulness of the Internet varies from person to person based on their needs and interests. Some individuals rely on it for work-related tasks, such as online collaboration, remote work, or accessing important resources. Others may find it valuable for entertainment purposes, such as streaming movies, playing online games, or staying updated with the latest news and trends. The Internet also serves as a platform for learning, with online courses, tutorials, and educational resources available.

The amount of time spent surfing the Internet varies greatly among individuals. Some people may use it for a few hours a day, while others may spend several hours or even the majority of their day online. It depends on factors such as personal preferences, work requirements, and the availability of other activities or responsibilities.

Please note that these responses are general and may not reflect individual experiences or opinions.
Sơn Trần
24/01 16:42:42
+5đ tặng



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24/01 16:56:12
+4đ tặng

The Internet has increasingly developed (1) _____and__become part of our everyday life. Do you find the Internet useful? What uses? How much time for surfing the Internet? Please respond (2)______to___ these questions.

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