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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
03/02 20:05:33

What’s the most popular social media in Viet Nam? Why?

21. What’s the most popular social media in Viet Nam? Why?
3 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
The most popular social media platform in Vietnam is Facebook. There are several reasons for its popularity:

1. User Base: Facebook has a large user base in Vietnam, with millions of active users. This makes it a preferred choice for individuals to connect with friends, family, and colleagues.

2. Accessibility: Facebook is easily accessible on various devices, including smartphones and computers. Its user-friendly interface and availability in the Vietnamese language make it convenient for people of all age groups to use.

3. Multifunctionality: Facebook offers a wide range of features and services, such as sharing photos and videos, messaging, creating events, joining groups, and following pages. This multifunctionality makes it a versatile platform for both personal and professional use.

4. Connectivity: Facebook allows users to connect with people from different parts of the world. This connectivity aspect is particularly appealing to Vietnamese individuals living abroad, as it enables them to stay connected with their homeland and maintain relationships.

5. Business Opportunities: Facebook provides a platform for businesses to promote their products and services through pages, groups, and targeted advertising. Many Vietnamese businesses utilize Facebook as a marketing tool, further increasing its popularity among users.

Overall, the combination of a large user base, accessibility, multifunctionality, connectivity, and business opportunities has contributed to Facebook's status as the most popular social media platform in Vietnam.
03/02 20:08:41
+5đ tặng
Over the past few years, social media has become an essential part of the daily routines of the majority of Vietnamese citizens, alongside the rising rates of smartphone and internet penetration in the country. Thanks to its highly connected and young, digital-savvy population, the country has been among the nations with the highest number of social media users worldwide. Since their appearance, the usage of these social networks has been extended from connecting people and providing entertainment, to becoming powerful tools for brands to engage with consumers on both domestic and global scales. As a result, in a social media-driven market like Vietnam, business strategies such as social commerce and influencer marketing are vital to winning over the market.


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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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+4đ tặng
Facebook is the largest social network and has the most users because Facebook is one of the most popular and largest social networks today with 2.45 billion monthly users (according to Facebook, 2019). This is also the number 1 priority land for many advertising and media businesses to target users when there are currently more than 80 million businesses operating on this platform.
ice is not cold
03/02 20:18:01
+3đ tặng
The most popular social network in Vietnam is Facebook. Because according to survey results, Facebook is leading with 67% of users nationwide, followed by Youtube (56.3%), Instagram (24.5%). %),....

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