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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
15/02 10:26:22

Reorder the letters to make correct words, then match them with their meanings

mn giúp e với ạ, e đag cần gấp
#hứa chấm 5đ ạ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 3. Reorder the letters to make correct words, then match them with their meanings.
1. O-H-G-A-E-S-W-M
2. O-B-I-G-R-N

3. V-A-E-N-R-T-E-D-U
4. D-I-N-C-E-E-A-U
5. I-L-D-O-H-N-P

6. F-A-C-I-N-I-L-M-O-T
7. D-M-C-O-Y-E

8. E-C-P-T-E-M-O

9. O-R-C-A-T-N-O
10. E-W-H-A-T-M-R-A-N-E
A. an unusual, exciting, or dangerous experience, journey, or series
of events
B. to try to be more successful or better than somebody else who is
trying to do the same as you
C. a film that has a lot of exciting actions and adventure
D. the group of people who have gathered to watch or listen to
something (a play, concert, somebody speaking, etc.)
E. not interesting; making you feel tired and impatient
F. a film or TV show made by photographing a series of gradually
changing drawings or models so that they look as if they were
G. play, film, or TV show that is intended to be funny, usually with a
happy ending; plays, films, and TV shows of this type
H. a sea animal (a mammal) that looks like a large fish with a pointed
mouth. They are very intelligent and often friendly towards humans.
1. a man on radio or television whose job is describing the weather
and telling people what it is going to be like
J. a television programme in which people play games or answer
questions to win prizes
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
15/02 10:26:56
+5đ tặng

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đỗ khánh ly
15/02 12:23:23
+4đ tặng
Here are the correct words and their meanings:

1. O-H-G-A-E-S-W-M → GAME SHOW (J. a television programme in which people play games or answer questions to win prizes)
2. O-B-I-G-R-N → BORING (E. not interesting; making you feel tired and impatient)
3. V-A-E-N-R-T-E-D-U → ADVENTURE (A. an unusual, exciting, or dangerous experience, journey, or series of events)
4. D-I-N-C-E-E-A-U → AUDIENCE (D. the group of people who have gathered to watch or listen to something)
5. I-L-D-O-H-N-P → DOLPHIN (H. a sea animal (a mammal) that looks like a large fish with a pointed mouth. They are very intelligent and often friendly towards humans)
6. F-A-C-I-N-I-L-M-O-T → ANIMATED (F. a film or TV show made by photographing a series of gradually changing drawings or models so that they look as if they were moving)
7. D-M-C-O-Y-E → COMEDY (G. play, film, or TV show that is intended to be funny, usually with a happy ending; plays, films, and TV shows of this type)
8. E-C-P-T-E-M-O → COMPETE (B. to try to be more successful or better than somebody else who is trying to do the same as you)
9. O-R-C-A-T-N-O → ACTOR (C. a man on radio or television whose job is describing the weather and telling people what it is going to be like)
10. E-W-H-A-T-M-R-A-N-E → WEATHERMAN (1. a man on radio or television whose job is describing the weather and telling people what it is going to be like)

I hope this helps!

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