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Hóa học - Lớp 10
16/02 19:57:02

Read the text. Choose the correct answers

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← Solutions_Elementary... L
GRAMMAR can and adverbs
1 Read the text. Choose the correct answers.
1 Robert Pattinson is English / Irish / American.
2 His hobby is reading / running / music.
Robert Pattinson is an
English film star. He is Edward
Cullen in the Twilight series. In
the films, Edward can do amazing
things. For example, he can run
very fast and he can read people's
thoughts. He can also live under
water. In reality, of course, Robert
can't read people's thoughts or
live under water! But he can do
other things. He can play the
guitar and the piano beautifully.
and he can sing really well.
He can also write songs - for
example, Never think, a song from
the Twilight films.
2 Complete the table below with the correct forms of can. Use
the examples in the text in exercise 1 to help you.
I can say how well I can do something.
The form of can is the same for all persons (I, you, he, they,
I can dance.
We use can to talk about ability.
6 He
dance. (Full form: cannot)
he dance? Yes, he can. / No, he can't.
3 Complete the sentences. Use can/can't and the verbs below.
do play play dance drive sing speak write
1 Tom is one year old. He can draw, but he can't write.
2 Harry can speak French, but he.
3 I never go to night clubs because I
4 "What's that terrible noise?" "It's Max. He
5 Sue is really into sport. She.
a car, but he wants to learn.
football and
7 She's only four years old, but she

Vol) 0,16
...| 46 |
4 Read the Learn this! box. Then underline three adverbs in the
text in exercise 1.
We form most adverbs by adding-ly to the adjective.
Sometimes the spelling changes.
slow-slowly easy- easily careful - carefully
Some adjectives don't change.
fast late early hard
The adverb form of good is well.
We use adverbs with verbs to say how something
She sings badly. He can dance beautifully.
3 He's good at tennis. He plays very.
4 "He's a fast driver." "Yes, he drives very
5 'Amy's got a beautiful voice." "Yes, she sings.
6 I never get up after six o'clock. I always get up.
1 swim well
Complete the sentences. Use adverbs from the Learn this! box.
1 I can't understand you. Please speak slowly.
2 This question isn't difficult. You can answer it.
2 type quickly
3 speak Russian fluently
4 remember names easily
5 run fast
6 whistle loudly
1.38 Listen to an interview with Dave. Complete the first
column of the chart. Tick the things that Dave can do.
Dave You Your partner
SPEAKING Tell the class about you and your partner.
We can both swim well.
7 Complete the second column of the chart for you.
8 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the
activities in the chart. Complete the third column of the chart.
Can you swim well?
Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
We can't speak Russian fluently.
Paul can swim well, but I can't.
Unit 2 My time 21
1 trả lời
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Trung Trần
25/02 14:16:46
1. Robert Pattinson is English.
   - Explanation: The text states, "Robert Pattinson is an English film star."
2. Robert Pattinson's hobby is music.
   - Explanation: The text mentions, "But he can do other things. He can play the guitar and the piano beautifully. and he can sing really well."
3. Complete the sentences:
   1. Tom is one year old. He can draw, but he can't write.
   2. Harry can speak French, but he can't speak Italian.
   3. I never go to nightclubs because I can't dance.
   4. What's that terrible noise?" "It's Max, He can't play.
   5. Sue is really into sport. She plays football and she does athletics.
   6. He has a car, but he wants to learn to drive.
   7. She's only four years old, but she can play the piano.
4. Three adverbs in the text:
   1. Beautifully
   2. Really
   3. Well
5. Complete the sentences with adverbs:
   1. I can't understand you. Please speak slowly.
   2. This question isn't difficult. You can answer it easily.
   3. He's good at tennis. He plays very well.
   4. "He's a fast driver." "Yes, he drives very quickly."
   5. "Amy's got a beautiful voice." "Yes, she sings beautifully."
   6. I never get up after six o'clock. I always get up early.
6. Activities Dave can do:
   - Swim well
   - Speak Russian fluently
   - Remember names easily
   - Run fast
   - Whistle loudly
7. Pairs activities:
   - Can you swim well? Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
   - Can you type quickly? Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
   - Can you speak Russian fluently? Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
   - Can you remember names easily? Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
   - Can you run fast? Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
   - Can you whistle loudly? Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
8. Tell the class about you and your partner:
   - We both can swim well. Paul can swim well, but I can't. We can't speak Russian fluently.

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