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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
18/02 13:23:04

Choose the correct answer:

Câu 21: It took them ages to ______ how to assemble the chest of drawers.

     A. wear off                         B. figure out                       C. show off                        D. wipe out

Câu 22: She thought she was pregnant, but it ______ to be a false alarm.

     A. stay up                            B. moved out                      C. lit up                              D. turned out

Câu 23: Trembling with fear, she ______ the money to the gunman.

     A. ran up                             B. handed over                   C. screwed up                     D. fell over

Câu 24: The fire doesn’t seem to be ______ much heat.

     A. giving up                        B. giving off                       C. taking up                        D. taking off

Câu 25: The business ______ better than expected and profits were slightly up.

     A. found for                        B. found out                       C. made for                        D. made out

Câu 26: My birthday seems to ______ more quickly every year.

     A. come on                         B. come around                  C. turn on                           D. turn around

Câu 27: The firm was badly in need of restructuring when she ______.

     A. took over                        B. took up                           C. looked over                    D. looked up

Câu 28: He decided to ______ on his initial research and write a book.

     A. put up                             B. tear down                       C. follow up                       D. run down

Câu 29: He ______ of school a month before graduation.

     A. dropped out                   B. broke in                          C. burst out                        D. put in

Câu 30: If you really ______ it, you’ll probably find it’s not such a good deal.

     A. look up                           B. run up                             C. look into                        D. run into

Câu 31: I don’t think he will ______ to your requests if you keep pestering him.

     A. give in                            B. stick out                         C. take in                            D. pull out

Câu 32: This opportunity ______ at just the right time for me.

A. gave up                               B. gave out                         C. turned up                       D. turned out

Câu 33: The military government is determined to ______ all opposition.

     A. bring on                          B. put down                        C. put on                             D. bring down

Câu 34: We walked to the next beach to ______ from the crowds.

     A. pass away                       B. pass over                        C. get away                        D. get over

Câu 35: He ______ playing the piano to answer the door.

     A. put off                            B. let out                             C. left off                           D. put out

Câu 36: Unless we do something now, hundreds of plant and animal species will _______.

     A. point out                         B. die out                            C. cut up                             D. make up

Câu 37: The new airport has__________ a lot of changes on this island.

     A. brought about                 B. taken to                          C. counted in                      D. turned up

Câu 38: The government hopes to______its plans for introducing cable TV.

     A. turn out                          B. carry out                         C. carry on                          D. keep on

Câu 39: Our refrigerator _________________ just a month after the guarantee had expired.

     A. broke off                        B. broke up                         C. broke into                      D. broke down

Câu 40: Mary met her second husband not long after her first marriage _________________.

     A. broke in                          B. broke down                    C. broke up                         D. broke off

Câu 41: The meeting appeared to be going well until Sarah ______________ the issue of holiday pay.

     A. brought about                 B. brought up                      C. brought off                    D. brought on

Câu 42: Linda immigrated with her parents in 1995, and ________________ in New York.

     A. grew into                        B. grew up                          C. grew on                          D. grew apart

Câu 43: You shouldn’t lose heart; success often comes to those who are not _________ by failures.

     A. left out                           B. put off                            C. switched off                  D. turned on

Câu 44: Mark invented a new game, but it never really _________________ with people.

     A. called for                        B. caught on                        C. cut off                            D. came across

Câu 45: When travelling in Europe, we tried to _______ at least an hour in a medieval town to explore it.

     A. stop off                          B. stop out                          C. stop up                           D. stop in

Câu 46: Don't _________ when he is telling the story.

     A. stop in                            B. stop off                           C. break in                          D. break into

Câu 47: She _______ quite often as a guest on popular television shows, as well as in television and bigscreen movies.

     A. looked up                       B. looked after                    C. turned up                       D. turned on

Câu 48: Can you tell me how the problem _________________ in the first place?

     A. fell through                    B. brought round                C. got out                           D. came about

Câu 49: After several injuries and failures, things have eventually _______ for Todd when he reached the final round of the tournament.

     A. looked up                       B. turned on                        C. gone on                          D. taken up

Câu 50: Food is likely to __________ if its wrapping is damaged, since even the tiniest of holes can allow bacteria in.

     A. keep on                          B. put off                            C. leave out                        D. go off

Câu 51: There are other problems of city life which I don't propose to _______ at the moment.

     A. go into                            B. go around                       C. go for                             D. go up

Câu 52: Tom's brother asked him to ________ the music so that he could sleep.

     A. turn up                            B. turn on                            C. turn down                      D. turn out

Câu 53: Scientists ________ a carefully controlled experiment on the mysterious new virus.

     A. carried over                    B. measured out                  C. carried out                     D. put up

Câu 54: The recently retired ballplayer _______ his locker and sadly left the stadium.

     A. held out                          B. put off                            C. cleared out                     D. made up

Câu 55: If a machine stops moving or working normally, you can say that it has ___________.

     A. cut off                            B. seized up                        C. gone off                         D. wiped out

Câu 56: The company manager decided to ________ more workers to meet the production schedule.

     A. bring in                           B. go over                           C. make out                        D. take on

Câu 57: Because of the heavy rain, we are going to have to ______ the soccer match until next week.

     A. turn down                      B. put off                            C. set off                            D. set up

Câu 58: In Viet Nam, you shouldn’t _________ at somebody house on the 1st day of the New Year unless you have been invited by the house owner.

     A. put up                             B. go up                              C. get up                             D. show up

Câu 59: The Japanese market ______ 35 per cent of the company's revenue.

     A. let in                               B. care for                           C. take in                            D. accounts for

Câu 60: I don’t think Peter is ______ to be a manager because he is an irresponsible person.

     A. cut out                            B. cut down                        C. cut across                       D. cut off

Câu 61: Being a teacher ______ a great deal of patience.

     A. calls in                            B. calls up                           C. calls for                          D. calls off

Câu 62: If you want to be sure of receiving a copy of the magazine, I suggest you _______ an annual subscription.

     A. put down                        B. take out                          C. write off                         D. send up

Câu 63: The local council has decided to _______ a concert to raise money for cancer charities.

     A. take up                           B. run through                    C. come up                         D. put on

Câu 64: Luckily, they successfully _______ the fire and saved all of the children.

     A. took out                          B. put out                            C. took off                          D. put off

Câu 65: Peter was bitterly disappointed at the test result, but I think he’ll soon _______ it.

     A. put through                    B. get over                          C. make up                         D. turn into

Câu 66: My petrol tank was empty so I pulled into a garage to ____________.

     A. fill up                             B. top up                             C. speed up                         D. blow up

Câu 67: There was an accident on the highway, ___________ traffic.

     A. putting off                      B. holding off on                C. holding up                      D. holding over

Câu 68: When he _________ from Jimmy as head of department last year, he had to deal with many financial problems.

     A. took on                           B. took over                        C. took up                           D. took in

Câu 69: We hope the problem can be ___________ by getting the two sides together to discuss it.

     A. cleared out                     B. cleared up                       C. cleared off                     D. cleared away

Câu 70: I had told her that I would help her repair her light, but she _____ asking me about it all the time.

     A. kept on                           B. carried on                       C. kept at                            D. stuck to

2 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi

Câu 21: It took them ages to B. figure out how to assemble the chest of drawers.

Câu 22: She thought she was pregnant, but it D. turned out to be a false alarm.

Câu 23: Trembling with fear, she B. handed over the money to the gunman.

Câu 24: The fire doesn’t seem to be B. giving off much heat.

Câu 25: The business D. made out better than expected and profits were slightly up.

Câu 26: My birthday seems to B. come around more quickly every year.

Câu 27: The firm was badly in need of restructuring when she A. took over.

Câu 28: He decided to C. follow up on his initial research and write a book.

Câu 29: He A. dropped out of school a month before graduation.

Câu 30: If you really C. look into it, you’ll probably find it’s not such a good deal.

Câu 31: I don’t think he will A. give in to your requests if you keep pestering him.

Câu 32: This opportunity C. turned up at just the right time for me.

Câu 33: The military government is determined to B. put down all opposition.

Câu 34: We walked to the next beach to C. get away from the crowds.

Câu 35: He D. put out playing the piano to answer the door.

Câu 36: Unless we do something now, hundreds of plant and animal species will B. die out.

Câu 37: The new airport has A. brought about a lot of changes on this island.

Câu 38: The government hopes to B. carry out its plans for introducing cable TV.

Câu 39: Our refrigerator D. broke down just a month after the guarantee had expired.

Câu 40: Mary met her second husband not long after her first marriage D. broke off.

Câu 41: The meeting appeared to be going well until Sarah B. brought up the issue of holiday pay.

Câu 42: Linda immigrated with her parents in 1995, and B. grew up in New York.

Câu 43: You shouldn’t lose heart; success often comes to those who are not A. left out by failures.

Câu 44: Mark invented a new game, but it never really B. caught on with people.

Câu 45: When travelling in Europe, we tried to A. stop off at least an hour in a medieval town to explore it.

Câu 46: Don't C. break in when he is telling the story.

Câu 47: She C. turned up quite often as a guest on popular television shows, as well as in television and big screen movies.

Câu 48: Can you tell me how the problem D. came about in the first place?

Câu 49: After several injuries and failures, things have eventually B. turned on for Todd when he reached the final round of the tournament.

Câu 50: Food is likely to D. go off if its wrapping is damaged, since even the tiniest of holes can allow bacteria in.

Câu 51: There are other problems of city life which I don't propose to A. go into at the moment.

Câu 52: Tom's brother asked him to C. turn down the music so that he could sleep.

Câu 53: Scientists C. carried out a carefully controlled experiment on the mysterious new virus.

Câu 54: The recently retired ballplayer C. cleared out his locker and sadly left the stadium.

Câu 55: If a machine stops moving or working normally, you can say that it has B. seized up.

Câu 56: The company manager decided to D. take on more workers to meet the production schedule.

Câu 57: Because of the heavy rain, we are going to have to B. put off the soccer match until next week.

Câu 58: In Viet Nam, you shouldn’t D. show up at somebody's house on the 1st day of the New Year unless you have been invited by the house owner.

Câu 59: The Japanese market D. accounts for 35 per cent of the company's revenue.

Câu 60: I don’t think Peter is A. cut out to be a manager because he is an irresponsible person.

Câu 61: Being a teacher C. calls for a great deal of patience.

Câu 62: If you want to be sure of receiving a copy of the magazine, I suggest you B. take out an annual subscription.

Câu 63: The local council has decided to D. put on a concert to raise money for cancer charities.

Câu 64: Luckily, they successfully B. put out the fire and saved all of the children.

Câu 65: Peter was bitterly disappointed at the test result, but I think he’ll soon B. get over it.

Câu 66: My petrol tank was empty so I pulled into a garage to A. fill up.

Câu 67: There was an accident on the highway, C. holding up traffic.

Câu 68: When he B. took over from Jimmy as head of department last year, he had to deal with many financial problems.

Câu 69: We hope the problem can be B. cleared up by getting the two sides together to discuss it.

Câu 70: I had told her that I would help her repair her light, but she A. kept on asking me about it all the time.

Thanhh Hằng
18/02 13:27:27
+5đ tặng
It took them ages to ______ how to assemble the chest of drawers.
     A. wear off B. figure out C. show off D. wipe out

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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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18/02 13:27:49
+4đ tặng
  1. B. figure out
  2. D. turned out
  3. B. handed over
  4. B. giving off
  5. D. made out
  6. B. come around
  7. A. took over
  8. C. follow up
  9. A. dropped out
  10. C. look into

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