1. There is a **common** belief that flamenco is typical throughout Spain, but that's not true. (HOLD)
2. He left us with the **indelible** impression that we had been speaking to a future leader. (ERADICATE)
3. With free-market globalization, investment funds can move **freely** from the rich countries to the developing countries. (IMPEDIMENT)
4. We've tried to anticipate the most likely problems, but it's impossible to be prepared for every **eventuality**. (EVENTUATE)
5. The organization insists that it is **apolitical** and does not identify with any particular party. (POLITICS)
6. Bill Gates is a **self-made** millionaire who started his own business with no financial help at all. (SELF)
7. Globalization has become the **watchword** of governments and policy-makers across the world, being alternately blamed and celebrated, depending on what particular action (or outcome) is being justified. (WORD)
8. A sound dome could thus be regarded as a gigantic well-tempered spatial instrument with **distributed** loudspeakers on its periphery. (DISTANT)
9. My mom thought she'd **deactivate** her account but suddenly she received nine notifications. (ACTIVATE)