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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 12
25/03 14:11:03

Complete the following sentences using one of the combinations in the box

A. CHcurate
Complete the following sentences using one of the combinations in the box.
back on
1.We've run
on with
away from
down on
2. We must try to cut
3. Please don't let me disturb
4. Keep
the end of the month.
out of
up with
forward to
sugar. Could you buy me some more?
you. Carry
5. She is such a snob. She looks
6. Children grow
7. How do you get
8. I don't know how you put
9. When I look
10. I'm really looking
the amount of money we spend. We're always broke at
your work.
me! I've got terrible cold, and I don't want you to catch it.
anyone that doesn't have all things she has.
their clothes so quickly! It costs a fortune!
your parents? OK?
such noisy neighbours. It would drive me crazy.
my childhood, I realize how unhappy I was.
our holiday next week. I'm so excited.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
25/03 14:13:50
+5đ tặng
1. We've run .........OUT OF............ sugar. Could you buy some more?
2. We must try to cut .......DOWN ON......the amount of money we spend. We just can't make ends meet.
3. Please don't let me disturb you. Carry ....ON....your work. 
4. Keep .........AWAY FROM .....me! I've got a terrible cold, and I don't want to give it to you.
6. Children grow ..........OUT OF.....their clothes so quickly. It costs a fortune to clothe them properly.

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