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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
16/04 22:36:12

Talk about some tips to make your school greener

talk about some tips to make your school greener ([{ làm dài 8 hàng khổ a4)]}sách global success phhanf thi cuối kì II

the following questions may help you :

  1. ​​​What will you put in every classroom ?
  2. what can you do with your old uniform?
  3. what will you do instead of buying new books?
  4. if you bring water bottles to school, what type of bottles should you bring?
  5. is planting trees a good tip?
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To make your school greener, here are some tips you can follow:

1. In every classroom, you can put recycling bins for paper, plastic, and other recyclable materials. Encourage students and teachers to recycle and properly dispose of waste.

2. Instead of throwing away old uniforms, you can donate them to charity or organize a clothing swap among students. This way, you can reduce waste and give new life to old clothing.

3. Rather than buying new books every year, consider setting up a book exchange program at your school. Students can trade or borrow books from each other, reducing the need for new purchases.

4. If you bring water bottles to school, opt for reusable bottles made from materials like stainless steel or BPA-free plastic. This helps reduce plastic waste from single-use water bottles.

5. Planting trees is indeed a good tip for making your school greener. Trees help improve air quality, provide shade, and support local wildlife. Consider organizing tree planting events or creating a school garden to promote environmental sustainability.
16/04 22:37:18
+5đ tặng
As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, it is important for schools to do their part in reducing their carbon footprint. There are several tips that can help make your school greener. Firstly, encourage recycling by placing bins throughout the school and educating students on what can be recycled. Secondly, reduce energy consumption by turning off lights and electronics when not in use. Finally, promote sustainable transportation by encouraging walking or biking to school. By implementing these simple tips, schools can make a significant impact on the environment and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

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