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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
21/04 16:11:35

Choose the correct answer

D. how many times a day she should take the medicine
13. Yesterday Howard and Marge
A. asked me would I like to have dinner with them
B. invited me to have dinner with them
C. asked me if would I like to have dinner with them
D. invited that I would like to have dinner with them
14. The inspector warned
A. everyone not to touch anything in the room
B. everyone that not touch anything in the room
C. that don't touch anything in the room
D. everyone against not to tough anything in the room
15. The detective asked Phil
A. where was he staying at 9.00 last night
B. where had he been staying at 9.00 the night before
C. where he had been staying at 9.00 the night before
D. where had been staying at 9.00 last night
16. Excuse me, but I wonder
A. would you mind opening the window?
B. if you'd mind opening the window.
C. that if you would mind opening the window.
D. you would mind opening the window.
17. "If you like, I'll help you to do the decorating, Julie," said Tom, means
A. Tom suggested to do the decorating for Julie.
B. Tom encouraged Julie to do the decorating,
C. Tom promised Julie for doing the decorating.
D. Tom offered to do the decorating for Julie.
18. "No, I'm sorry, I won't work on Sunday, I efinitely not!" means
A. Janet told that she wouldn't work on Sunday.
2 trả lời
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Linh xg
21/04 16:12:12
+5đ tặng
13. B. invited me to have dinner with them
14. A. everyone not to touch anything in the room
15. C. where he had been staying at 9.00 the night before
16. B. if you'd mind opening the window.
17. D. Tom offered to do the decorating for Julie.
18. D. Janet stated that she definitely wouldn't work on Sunday.

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21/04 16:14:04
+4đ tặng
13. B.
14. A.
15. C. 
16. B. 
17. D. 
18. D.

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