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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 12
21/04 23:05:02

Chọn đáp án đúng và giải thích: He should play basketball because he is --------------. He's not short

19. He should play basketball because he is --------------. He's not short.
D. big
A. smart
B. high
C. tall
20. When I lost Fiona's favorite CD, she was very
D. scared
A. excited
21. We have
B. embarrassed
strawberries ice-cream.
C. upset
D. some
A. an
B. a
C. any
22. I don't like this................. of grapes.
A. slice
B. bunch
23. What is ............. mountain in the world?
B. the highest
B. Did you
24....................come to the meeting tomorrow?
A. highest
A. Do you
C. bottle
D. jar
D. the higher
C. higher
C. Are you going D. Have you
1. He is taller and biger than I am.
2. Have you ever see the latest 4G phone yet? - Yes, I have.
3. I hate play basketball with that team.
4. People at work are very friend and outgoing.
5. Did the woman had any English money with her?
6. friend/ have/ Does/ short hair/ your/ long/ or//?
7. do/jars/of/honey/ you / How/many / want //?
8. Where/living/ were / you / met/when/ you / him//?
9. to/light/Are / going / some / you / candles //?
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Tr Hải
21/04 23:05:22
+5đ tặng
19. He should play basketball because he is tall. He's not short.
20. When I lost Fiona's favorite CD, she was very upset.
21. We have some strawberries ice-cream.
22. I don't like this bunch of grapes.
23. What is the highest mountain in the world?
24. Are you going to come to the meeting tomorrow?

Mistakes in sentences:
1. biger should be corrected to bigger.
2. see should be corrected to seen.
3. hate play should be corrected to hate playing.
4. friend should be corrected to friendly.
5. had should be corrected to have.

Words in correct order:
6. Does your friend have long or short hair?
7. How many jars of honey do you want?
8. Where were you living when you met him?
9. Are you going to light some candles?

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Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
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+4đ tặng
19C tall
20c upset 
21D some
22B bunch
23B the highest
24C are you going to
1. bigger -> bigger
2. see-> seen
3. play -> playing
4. friend -> friendly
5. had -> have

Bạn hỏi - Lazi trả lời

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