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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
24/04 22:30:27

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.

23. David and Linda are talking about the environmental problem.

- David: “I think to reduce pollution people should use public transport instead of their own cars.”

- Linda: “_____________”

A. I don’t know. I just don’t think it’s for me.

B. What nonsense!

C. Yes, let’s.  

D. I can’t agree with you more.

24. Mary and John are talking on the phone.

- Mary: “I passed the driving test yesterday.” - John: “_____________!”

A. With pleasure         B. Congratulations      C. Have a good time   D. You’re welcome

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Many health experts believe that children and young people today are (25) _____________ than they used to be. So why has this happened?

One reason is bad eating habits. (26) _____________ of young people don’t have a healthy diet. They eat too much fast food like hamburgers and pizza and not enough fruit and vegetables. In (27) _____________ USA, many children have been eating fast food regularly since they were very young. In fact, almost one-third of American children aged four to nineteen have been eating fast food nearly all the time. (28) _____________, they don’t exercise and spend too much of their time watching TV, (29) _____________ the Internet or playing computer games.

So how can you change your habits if you have been following an unhealthy lifestyle for a long time? First, change your (30) _____________ and eat more fruit and vegetables. Next, find an activity you enjoy. Why not try something different like rock climbing, surfing or hiking? Many young people have found that becoming fit and healthy can be a lot of fun.

25. A. unhealthier       B. more unhealthy       C. the most unhealthy             D. more unhealthier

26. A. Many                B. Lots                                    C. Lot                                      D. Much

27. A. the                    B.a                               C. an                                        D.x

28. A. However          B. Therefore                C. Moreover                            D. Although

29. A. surf                   B. surfing                    C. to surf                                 D. to surfing

30. A. lifestyle                        B. food                                    C. exercise                               D. diet

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23. C. Yes, let’s.
24. B. Congratulations

25. A. unhealthier
26. B. Lots
27. A. the
28. D. Although
29. B. surfing
30. A. lifestyle
24/04 22:32:36
+5đ tặng
23 David: “I think to reduce pollution people should use public transport instead of their own cars.”
Linda: “I can’t agree with you more.” (D)

24 Mary: “I passed the driving test yesterday.” - John: “Congratulations!” (B)

25 B. more unhealthy

26 B. Lots

27 A. the

28 A. However

29 B. surfing

30 D. diet

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