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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
28/04 15:56:03

Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

Giúp mình với ạ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Love in the air
A young man fell in love with another
passenger on a long-distance flight - and
then got the airline to help him find her.
For many people the flight to Australia
is long and (1)........boring. ..(bore), but not for Abbie and Callum Davies-
because that's where they first met. 'She was sitting next to me,' said Callum. 'I felt
(relax) talking to her and we got on really well. We chatted
all the way to Sydney and it was (3)
(surprise) how quickly
the time went. Everyone else on the plane was asleep, but not us. We didn't feel
(tire) at all."
But after the flight he realised he'd forgotten to get her phone number. 'I was really
was quite (6).
number, and waited."
(depress),' he said, 'so I contacted the airline. To be honest, it
(embarrass). I thought they might be
(amuse) but I think they felt sorry for me. I gave them her seat
Abbie, too, was feeling sad. 'I was (8)
(annoy) with myself for
not getting his number,' she said, 'though I was also a bit (9)......
(disappoint) he didn't ask me for mine. I thought he wasn't really (10)
(interest) in seeing me again. So I was (11).
(amaze) when the airline phoned to ask if I wanted to call Callum. I was so
(excite) that I phoned him the same day, and we had our first
date that weekend. We got married and we're very happy together.'
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
28/04 15:59:28
+5đ tặng
1. boring
2. relaxed
3. surprising
4. tired
5. depressed
6. embarrassed
7. asked
8. annoyed
9. disappointed
10. interested
11. amazed
12. excited

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