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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
04/05 12:59:46

Sắp xếp để tạo thành câu đúng

giúp mik vs
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. was doing then/she/his mother/ask/phoned/to/what/He
2 Ann/ for food. /what / Vietnamese/wondered/people/plants/grew
3. Peter /to ask / phoned the/ were selling/shop/what/they/specialties/there.
4. on Mars/asked/The student/what/his professor/forms of / could/life/exist
5. She/injured/last week/her arm / in a match
6. The / were doing then./teacher/ the pupils/asked/what / they
7. to visit?" / planet/"What/ do you / want, my / asked / me. / friend
8. future/ways of communication"./Tm/reading/now/a book/about/ me./ she / toid
9. "How / teachers/will/check/in the future?"./ attendance / Nam. / Lan/ asked
10.1/a full moon?" / my mum, / there be / "When / asked / will
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Thắng Phạm
04/05 13:00:19
+5đ tặng
  1. He was doing what his mother asked when she phoned.
  2. Ann wondered what Vietnamese people grew for food.
  3. Peter phoned the shop to ask what specialties they were selling there.
  4. The student asked his professor what forms of life could exist on Mars.
  5. She injured her arm in a match last week.
  6. The teacher asked the pupils what they were doing then.
  7. "What planet do you want to visit?" my friend asked me.
  8. Tm told me she is reading a book about ways of communication in the future.
  9. "How will teachers check attendance in the future?" Lan asked Nam.
  10. "When will there be a full moon?" my mum asked.

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