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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
08/05 18:56:36

Viết đoạn văn:How do you think the roles of teenagers will change in the future?

Viết đoạn văn:
How do you think the roles of teenagers will change in the future? (100-120) 
- Why you think the change will happen. 
- What this change will mean for society
Mn ơi giúp mik viết thêm để cho đủ 100 đến 120 từ nhé!!!!!!!?????
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I think the roles of teenagers will change in the future, especially their
studies. Firstly, thanks to the Internet, teenagers will have a large
sources of information, they can self-search, exchange, and discuss
information in order to plan their studies. Secondly, spending time to
take care of themselves when their parents go out to work makes them
more independent.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
08/05 18:59:48
+5đ tặng

In the future, the roles of teenagers are likely to undergo significant transformations, particularly in the realm of education. One key factor driving this change is the pervasive influence of the Internet. With easy access to vast reservoirs of information, teenagers will find themselves empowered to take charge of their own learning journeys. They will be able to independently research, exchange ideas, and engage in discussions, thus reshaping the way they approach their studies.

Furthermore, as societal dynamics evolve, teenagers are increasingly finding themselves shouldering responsibilities traditionally reserved for adults. With parents often occupied with work commitments, teenagers are compelled to take on more responsibilities at home, such as caring for younger siblings or managing household chores. This newfound independence fosters self-reliance and resilience among teenagers, equipping them with valuable life skills that transcend the boundaries of academia.

This shift in the roles of teenagers holds profound implications for society as a whole. As adolescents become more proactive in shaping their educational experiences and assuming greater responsibilities within their households, they contribute to the fabric of a more self-sufficient and empowered society. Moreover, by embracing autonomy and adaptability at a young age, teenagers are better prepared to navigate the complexities of an ever-changing world, thus laying the groundwork for a more resilient and innovative future generation.

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