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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
09/05 21:50:39

Read and choose the correct answers

Questions 16-20. Read and choose the correct answers.
Coffee can help you live longer
There is good news for coffee lovers from the American Heart Association Their new report says coffee drinkers may live longer than those who do not drink coffee. Evidence shows that coffee makes you live longer. It also reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, other life-threatening illnesses, and even suicide. Researchers looked at over 200,000 people who drank between one and five cups of coffee a day. Researcher Dr Frank Hu said: "Moderate consumption of coffee may have health benefits in terms of reducing premature death due to several diseases"
Scientists have been analysing what is in coffee that provides so many health benefits. Many reports in the past decades have highlighted the positive effects it has on the body. Dr Hu said it was still unclear how coffee interacts with the body. He said: "Coffee is a complex beverage. It's very difficult to pinpoint which component of coffee is responsible for which benefit" Researchers did not include highly caffeinated drinks in the study. They also said that while coffee seems to have health benefits, things added to it, such as cream, sugar and sweeteners, do not.
16. Who published the study?
A. The New Coffee Times
B. the American Heart Association
C. the Coffee Bean Confederation
D. Starbucks
17. How many coffee drinkers did the study look at?
A. more than 200,000
B. under 200,000
C. just less than 200,000
D. exactly 200,000
18. What kind of coffee consumption can lead to health benefits? A. weekly B. high C. moderate D. low
19. What kind of beverage did Dr Hu say coffee was? A. complex B. tasty C. risky D. strange
20. What has no health benefits besides cream and sugar? A. latte B. cookies C. syrup D. sweeteners
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
16. B. the American Heart Association
17. A. more than 200,000
18. C. moderate
19. A. complex
20. D. sweeteners
09/05 21:52:02
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16 B. the American Heart Association
17 A. more than 200,000
18 C. moderate
19 A. complex
20 D. sweeteners

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