1. If you **make for** a place, you go towards it.
2. If thieves **get away**, they escape from a place.
3. If you say you could **do with** something, you would really like it or need it.
4. If you **put** money **by**, you save it.
5. If you **see through** what someone says, you understand the real meaning behind what they say.
6. Plans which **fall through** do not succeed.
7. If you **hand over** responsibility to someone else, you transfer the responsibility to that person.
8. When storms **blow over**, they become less strong and finish.
9. If you **call** your daughter **after** someone, you give her the same name as that person.
10. If you **back away**, you move backwards away from someone or something, often because you are afraid.
11. When vehicles **pull over**, they go to the side of the road and stop.
12. When you **set about** doing something, you start doing that activity.
13. If you **take after** your father or mother, you are like them physically or in character.
14. If you **go after** a job, you try to get it.
15. If you **while away** the time, you spend time doing something because you have nothing better to do.
16. If you **wrestle with** a problem, you have a lot of difficulty trying to find the solution to that problem.