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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
17/05 08:16:23

Read the website article. Write T (True), F (False) or NG (Not Given) if the information is not in the text

I. Read the website article. Write T (True), F (False) or NG (Not Given) if the information is not in the
The internet started in 1983. Before that date, computers could talk to each other if they were on the
same network, in an office, for example. But they could not communicate with computers in another
building, another city or another country.
Now, with email, text messaging and apps like Instagram, the world is a very different place, and most
people are happy about the changes. However, there are some disadvantages.
Firstly, some people, especially teenagers, spend too much time on the internet. They have no time left
for sports, which may lead to them gaining weight.
The next problem is that some teenagers suffer from FOMO - "fear of missing out". This means people
become afraid that they will miss something exciting if they are not online all the time.
If you spend a lot of time sending written messages, you may not learn how to talk to people face-to-
face. People who give jobs to teenagers sometimes say that they often lack social skills.
Finally, some scientists believe that people who spend too long online do not learn to concentrate on one
thing. They are always clicking from one site or one messaging system to another. This reduces their
attention span.

This essay is about the advantages and disadvantages of the internet.
The writer explains the meaning of a set of letters.
The writer says you need to learn how to communicate with people in speech.
The writer only gives his or her opinion in this essay.
The writer believes the internet is a good thing, although there are disadvantages.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Ngọc Hân
17/05 08:34:58
+5đ tặng

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