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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
20/05 20:19:26

Rearrange the order of the given words to make complete sentences

Làm giúp mình bài VIII với sosssssssss
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
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TÀI LIỆU ÔN VÀO 10 THPT 2024-2025
5. An doesn't go abroad for higher education because he doesn't have enough money
=> if an
viii. Rearrange the order of the given words to make complete sentences (1 point)
1. Who helps me/ is a friend/ the man/ of my father./ with my pronunciation/
2. Were you/ if i/iwould/the reading skills./read english newspapers/ to improve/
3. The necessary qualifications,/ in spite of/ he didn't get the job./ having all/
4. A good idea/ without analysing/ it's not/ the question first./ to start your essay
5. To earn money/ she will start working/ going to university./ instead of/
ĐỀ 22
I. phonetics. (1,0 point) choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced
1. a. saved
b. helped
c. looked
d. reduced
d. teacher
3 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Linh xg
20/05 20:20:41
+5đ tặng
  1. The man who helps me with my pronunciation is a friend of my father.
  2. If I were you, I would read English newspapers to improve the reading skills.
  3. In spite of having all the necessary qualifications, he didn't get the job.
  4. It's not a good idea to start your essay without analyzing the question first.
  5. Instead of going to university, she will start working to earn money.


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Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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Trúc Nguyễn
20/05 20:57:11
+4đ tặng
1.The man who helps me with my pronunciation is a friend of my father.
2.If i were you, i would read english newspapers to improve the reading skills.
3.He didn't get the job inspite of having all the necessary qualifications.
4.It's not a good iadea to start your essay without analysing the question first.
5.To earn money she will start working instead of going to university.
Phạm Thanh Thảo
20/05 21:07:52
+3đ tặng
1. the man who helps me with my pronunciation is a friend of my father
2. If i were you, i would read english newspaper to improve the reading skills
3. in spite of having all the neccessary qualifications, he didn't get the job
4. it's not a good idea to start your essay withour analysing the question first
5. instead of going to university, she will start working to earn money

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