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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
18/06 12:16:08

What do you like most about your job/your major

phỏng vấn tiếng anh vui vẻ

2. What do you like most about your job/your major?

3. What do you like to do in your free time?

2 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
Sure, let's make this a fun and engaging interview!

**Interviewer:** Hi there! Thanks for joining me today. Let's jump right into it. What do you like most about your job/your major?

**You:** Hi! Thanks for having me. What I love most about my job/major is the opportunity to be creative and solve problems. Every day brings a new challenge, and I get to think outside the box to come up with innovative solutions. Plus, I work with an amazing team that makes even the toughest days enjoyable. It's like being part of a big, supportive family!

**Interviewer:** That sounds fantastic! It's always great to hear when someone enjoys their work. Now, what do you like to do in your free time?

**You:** In my free time, I love to explore new hobbies and activities. I'm a bit of a jack-of-all-trades! Recently, I've been getting into cooking and trying out different recipes from around the world. It's like a mini-adventure in my kitchen every weekend. I also enjoy hiking and being in nature; it's a great way to recharge and get some fresh air. And, of course, I love spending time with friends and family, whether it's a game night or just hanging out and chatting.

**Interviewer:** Wow, you certainly keep busy with a variety of interests! It sounds like you have a great balance between work and personal life. Thanks for sharing that with me!

**You:** Absolutely, it's all about finding that balance. Thanks for the fun questions!
Quỳnh Anh
18/06 12:18:11
+5đ tặng
It's fascinating to help answer questions, provide information, and engage in meaningful conversations. As for my "major" in understanding language and generating responses, I appreciate the challenge of continuously learning and improving my abilities. It's rewarding to see how AI can be applied in various fields to assist and support humans in diverse ways.

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Quốc Hưng
18/06 12:20:40
+4đ tặng

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