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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
27/06 22:23:08

Should teenagers take part in outdoor activities? In about 80-100 words, write a paragraph to give your opinion

Should teenagers take part in outdoor activities? In about 80-100 words, write a paragraph to give your opinion.
Viết đoạn văn này giúp mik vs, pls!!!
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
Teenagers should definitely take part in outdoor activities. Engaging in activities like hiking, cycling, or team sports helps them stay physically fit and healthy. It also provides a break from screen time, reducing the risk of digital addiction. Outdoor activities foster social skills, teamwork, and leadership qualities as teens interact with peers. Additionally, being in nature can reduce stress and improve mental well-being. Overall, participating in outdoor activities contributes to a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle for teenagers, promoting both physical and emotional growth.
27/06 22:23:50
+5đ tặng
School is a place of learning and getting trained for professional and social life. My school is located in the center of my city. On the side of the school, there is a big garden. In my school, I take part in many outdoor activities in my school like planting trees, picking up rubbish, sorting the garbage, recycling old paper.I take part in many outdoor activities in my school like planting trees, picking up rubbish, sorting the garbage, recycling old paper. We also have other activities in the school such as football, basketball and many more. Planting trees is my favourite outdoor activity. It makes me a more responsible and creative thinker. It also protects our environment.

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27/06 22:25:29
+4đ tặng
The best activities for students are hanging out with family or friends, and take part in comunity activities. Because srudents now are all like indoor activities istead of outdoor activities like before. So family and school should create conditions for them to join in some community activities like camping, sightseeing, etc. If students don't like community activities, family can create conditions for them to hanging out with friends or take them to some places they like such as cinema, amusement parks, etc.

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