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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 10
01/07 21:28:36

Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IX. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.
1. is/ big wardrobe/ my sister's bedroom/There/a/in
2. on/not/pillows/ There/ the bed/ the guest room/in/ any/are
3. the town/ are/schools/ There/in/ four
4. in/no/is/ Melissa's/ There/basement/ house
5. the living room,/ red carpet/ is/ there/In/ the floor/ on/ a
6. a sink/ dishwasher/ and a/in/ there/ Is/ your kitchen?
7. the/ Is/ your room/ next to/ bathroom?
8. picture/There/ the wall/is/a/ on/of flowers
4 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
01/07 21:29:06
+5đ tặng
  • There is a big wardrobe in my sister's bedroom.
  • There are no pillows on the bed in the guest room.
  • There are four schools in the town.
  • There is no basement in Melissa's house.
  • In the living room, there is a red carpet on the floor.
  • Is there a sink and a dishwasher in your kitchen?
  • Is your room next to the bathroom?
  • There is a picture of flowers on the wall.

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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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Silent Now
01/07 21:29:17
+4đ tặng

1. There is a big wardrobe in my sister's bedroom

2. There are not any pillow on the bed in the guest room

3. There are four schools in the town

4. There is no basement in Melissa's house

5. In the livingroom , there is a red carpet on the floor

6. Is there a sink and a dishwasher in your kitchen

7. Is your room next to the bathroom

8. There is a picture of flowers on the wall

There + tobe ( is /are ) + ( a/an/number ) + S/N + ...

tobe next to sb/st : ở cạnh

Đăng Khoa
01/07 21:29:22
+3đ tặng
1. There is a big wardrobe in my sister's bedroom.

There is +a/an + N số ít 

2. There are not any pillows on the bed in the guest room.

There aren't + any + N số nhiều 

on: trên 

in :trong 

3. There are four schools in the town.

There are +số lượng + N số nhiều 

4. There is no basement in Melissa's house.

There is + no + N số ít / N ko đếm được 

one's + N : cái gì của ai 

5. In the living room, there is a red carpet on the floor.

In the living room: trong phòng khách 

There is +a/an + N số ít 

on the floor: trên sàn 

ADJ + N 

6. Is there a sink and a dishwasher in your kitchen?

Is there + a/an + N số ít? 

7. Is your room next to the bathroom?

Be + S+O? 

next to: bên cạnh 

the + N 

tính từ sở hữu  + N 

8. There is a picture of flowers on the wall.

There is +a/an + N số ít 

a + N of N 

on the wall: trên tường
Thanh Lâm
01/07 21:29:28
+2đ tặng
  1. There is a big wardrobe in my sister's bedroom.
  2. There are no pillows on the bed in the guest room.
  3. There are four schools in the town.
  4. There is no basement in Melissa's house.
  5. In the living room, there is a red carpet on the floor.
  6. Is there a sink and a dishwasher in your kitchen?
  7. Is your room next to the bathroom?
  8. There is a picture of flowers on the wall.

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