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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
05/07 20:26:10

Read the passage and choose the correct answer

In order to (7)
these problems, governments have taken many different
solutions, and encouraging citizens to move to rural areas is one of the most effective
options for many reasons. Firstly, moving people from areas of high population density to
lower ones prevents overpopulation in big cities. As a result, traffic quality (8)
Secondly, fewer people gathering in one area means less garbage as well as vehicles, and
hence reduces environmental pollution and uplifts human's physical condition. Finally,
the living standard is lower in rural areas, which does not put too much pressure on people
time building tighter
to (9)
ends meet. Therefore, they can spend (10).
family relationships.
In conclusion, there are a number of problems that people have to face when they live
in big cities. But governments can tackle these problems by encouraging citizens to move
to smaller towns.
1. A. serious
B. seriously
C. slight
D. slightly
2. A. population
B. populous
C. overpopulated
D. overpopulation
3. A. on
B. in
C. at
4. A. short
B. lacking
C. lack
5. A. residents
B. dwellers
C. citizens
6. A. makes
B. poses
C. causes
D. to
D. shortly
D. immigrants
D. gives
7. A. reduce
B. increase
C. cause
D. do
8. A. is improve
B. improves
C. improved
9. A. do
B. set
C. make
10. A. more
B. less
C. fewer
D. is improved
D. stay
D. many
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Kim Anh
05/07 20:31:15
+5đ tặng

7, A

- reduce (v) giảm >< increase (v) tăng

- cause (v) gây ra

- do (v) làm

- Để giảm những vấn đề này, chính phủ đã thực hiện nhiều giải pháp, và khuyến khích người dân chuyển đến vùng sâu vùng xa là một trong những lựa chọn hiệu quả nhất với nhiều lí do.

8, D

- Dựa vào nghĩa, chia thể bị động hiện tại đơn : am/is/are + PII

- improve (v) cải thiện

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