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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
10/07 14:16:10

Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi

1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
Dưới đây là các câu viết lại sao cho nghĩa không đổi:

70. Our profits this year are higher than they have ever been.
=> Never have our profits been higher than they are this year.

71. One rarely finds good service these days.
=> Rarely does one find good service these days.

72. Public borrowing has seldom been so high.
=> Seldom has public borrowing been so high.

73. They little suspected that the musical was going to be a runaway success.
=> Little did they suspect that the musical was going to be a runaway success.

74. The embassy staff little realized that Ted was a secret agent.
=> Little did the embassy staff realize that Ted was a secret agent.

75. The children themselves are not in any way to blame for the disaster.
=> In no way are the children themselves to blame for the disaster.

76. The existence of extraterrestrial is not confirmed by the report.
=> Under no circumstances is the existence of extraterrestrial confirmed by the report.

77. I was never shown how to operate the machinery.
=> At no time was I shown how to operate the machinery.

78. He never suspected that she was a witch.
=> At no time did he suspect that she was a witch.

79. There has never been a time when the English language was not in a state of change.
=> At no time has the English language not been in a state of change.

80. You shouldn’t send money to us by post under any circumstances.
=> Under no circumstances should you send money to us by post.

81. We can’t change the ticket in any circumstances.
=> In no circumstances can we change the ticket.

82. He is my friend as well as yours.
=> Not only is he your friend, but he is also mine.

83. He booked tickets for the afternoon performance and the evening performance as well.
=> Not only did he book tickets for the afternoon performance, but also for the evening performance.

84. The burglars stole a thousand pounds’ worth of electrical goods, and left the flat in an awful mess.
=> Not only did the burglars steal a thousand pounds’ worth of electrical goods, but they also left the flat in an awful mess.

85. Tom was not only late, but he had left all his books behind.
=> Not only was Tom late, but he had also left all his books behind.

86. You will enhance your posture and improve your acting ability on this course.
=> Not only will you enhance your posture, but you will also improve your acting ability on this course.

87. I only realized how dangerous the situation had been when I got home.
=> Not until I got home did I realize how dangerous the situation had been.

88. It was not until last week that the Agriculture Minister admitted defeat.
=> Only last week did the Agriculture Minister admit defeat.
Bảo Yến
10/07 14:16:58
+5đ tặng

1. One rarely finds good service these days.

=> Rarely does one find good service these days.
2. She has rarely travelled more than fifty miles from her village.

=> Rarely has she traveled more than fifty miles from her village.
3. Public borrowing has seldom been so high.

=> Seldom public borrowing has been so high.
4. They had seldom participated in such a fascinating ceremony.

=> Seldom had they participated in such a fascinating ceremony.
5. They little suspected that the musical was going to be a runaway success.

=> Little did they suspect that the musical was going to be a runaway success.

6. The embassy staff little realized that Ted was a secret agent

=> Little did the embassy staff realize that Ted was a secret agent.
7. She didn't realize what would happen to her next.

=> Little did she realize what would happen to her next.
8. He has seldom seen anything stranger

=> Seldom has he seen anything stranger.

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