Candidate's copy: picture 1
Examiner's copy; picture 2
1. In the picture 1, the sky is blue but in the picture 2, it's black.
2. In the picture 1 , there is a butterfly on the tent but in the picture, there is a bird over it.
3. In the picture 1, the woman is coming out the tent but in the picture 2, she is coming into the tent.
4. In the picture 1, the car is yellow but in the picture 2, it's blue.
5. In the picture 1, there are three trees but in the picture 2, there are two trees and a house.
6. In the picture 1, the umbrella is next to the tent but in the picture 2, it's in the boy's hand.
7. In the picture 1, the girl is holding a blue flag but in the picture 2, she is holding a light.
8. In the picture 1, there isn't any animals in the car but in the picture 2, there is a rabbit in it.
9. In the picture 1, the boy is sitting and looking to his dad but in the picture 2, he is standing and holding an umbrella.
10. In the picture 1, the girl is wearing a red skirt but in the picture 2, she is wearing red trousers.